Hi All, after some overwhelming comments to get together a proper log after asking some advice here goes. I am currently recovering from my last cycle and feeling great thanks to running the reccomended PCT I found here, bloodwork to come in a couple of weeks which will determine exactly when i kick off but at this stage I'm feeling start of August, so just in the planning phase right now. Goal is to get a big as possible, hit 96kg during last bulk, adding and keeping 2-3kg of lean tissue at the end would be great, followed by getting as lean as possible.
Cycle - I aim to bulk for 14 weeks, run trt for 8 weeks, then cut for 10 before coming off completely
Training - have posted phase 1 but there are 3 phases and the entire program runs 14 weeks
Diet - Currently eating a similar diet but at about 2,800 to 3,000 Calories and maintaining at 86kg and looking pretty lean still. Staring point at 3,800 and will increase from there.
86kg (aprox 10% body fat)
Bench: 120kg
Deadlift: 190kg
Squat: 160kg
OH Press: 75kg
Weeks 1-14 (M/W/F)
Test E: 600 mg
NPP: 420 mg
Equipose: 600 mg
HGH: 3 iu E/D (fasted, morning)
Aromasin: 12.5 mg E/D (or as needed)
Weeks 1-6
Dianabol: 40 mg E/D
Supplements:- Tudca, NAC, Milk Thistle, Krill Oil, CoQ10, Bergamot, Psyllium Husk
Bloods to be take every 4 weeks or so
Cal - 3,700 to 3,850
Carb - 400 to 420
Protein - 280 to 295
Fat - 91 to 120
Meal 1: Shake (WPC, Oats, Chia Seeds, Cacao, Oat Milk)
Cal 595.28
Carb 61.80
Protein 39.70
Fat 26.20
Meal 2: Chicken & Rice (Chicken Breast, White Rice, Sriracha Mayo)
Cal 426.19
Carb 66.30
Protein 29.13
Fat 4.22
Meal 3: Pork Stir-Fy w/ White Rice, Beef Ragu w/ White Rice, Tuna Wrap - All Approx
Cal 550
Carb 60
Protein 30
Fat 18
Meal 4: Chicken & Rice (Chicken Breast, White Rice, Sriracha Mayo)
Cal 426.19
Carb 66.30
Protein 29.13
Fat 4.22
Intra: BCAA's
Cal 50
Carb .5
Protein 11
Fat 0
Post: Shake (WPC, Bannana, Honey, Soy Milk)
Cal 431.71
Carb 44.37
Protein 39.93
Fat 9.73
Dinner: Chicken Burrito Bowl, Chicken Satay Bowl, Fish & Veg, Sasauges & Veg - All Approx
Cal 700
Carb 85
Protein 60
Fat 20
Dessert: Mug Cake w/ Greek Yogurt, Casein Ice Cream
Cal 500
Carb 30
Protein 45
Fat 21
Phase 1 (6 Weeks, Moderate Volume, Moderate Intensity 7-9RPE)
Push/Pull/Legs/Upper/ Lower Split
Push #1
Bench Press 1 x 3-5
Larsen Press 2 x 10
Dumbbell Arnold Press 3 x 8-10
A1. Press-Around 2 x 12-15
A2. Pec Static Stretch 30s 2 x 30s
Cross-Body Cable Y-Raise 3 x 12-15
Sqz Tri Press/Stretch OH Tri Ext 3 x 8 + 8
N1 Cross-Body Tri Ext 2 x 10-12
Pull #1
Lat Pulldown (Feeder Sets) 4 x 10
Lat Pulldown (Failure Set) 1 x 10+5
Incline Chest-Sup DB Row 3 x 10-12
A1. Cable Lat Pullover 2 x 10-12
A2. Lat Static Stretch 30s 2 x 30s
Omni-Direction Face Pull 3 x 12-15
EZ-Bar Curl 3 x 6-8
Bottom-Half Preacher Curl 2 x 10-12
Legs #1
Squat 1 x 2-4
Pause Squat (Back off) 2 x 5
Barbell RDL 3 x 8-10
Walking Lunge 2 x 10
Lying Leg Curl 3 x 10-12
Calf Raise 4 x 10-12
Cable Crunch 3 x 10-12
Upper #1
Pull-Up 2 x 8-10
Close-Grip BB Incline Press 3 x 8, 5, 12
Kroc Row 3 x 10-12
Eccen/Cable Lateral Raise 3 x 5, 15
N1 Cross-Body Bicep Curl 3 x 10-12
Diamond Pushup 1 x AMRAP
Lower #1
Deadlift 1 x 5
Stiff-Leg Deadlift 2 x 8
Bulgarian Split Squat 4 x 10-12
Nordic Ham Curl 3 x 8-10
Slow-Eccentric Leg Extension 3 x 8-10
Calf Raise 4 x 15-20
Hanging Leg Raise 3 x 10-20
Thoughts, advice or if you have any questions let me know. Bloodwork to follow soon for a health check before kicking off.
Cycle - I aim to bulk for 14 weeks, run trt for 8 weeks, then cut for 10 before coming off completely
Training - have posted phase 1 but there are 3 phases and the entire program runs 14 weeks
Diet - Currently eating a similar diet but at about 2,800 to 3,000 Calories and maintaining at 86kg and looking pretty lean still. Staring point at 3,800 and will increase from there.
86kg (aprox 10% body fat)
Bench: 120kg
Deadlift: 190kg
Squat: 160kg
OH Press: 75kg
Weeks 1-14 (M/W/F)
Test E: 600 mg
NPP: 420 mg
Equipose: 600 mg
HGH: 3 iu E/D (fasted, morning)
Aromasin: 12.5 mg E/D (or as needed)
Weeks 1-6
Dianabol: 40 mg E/D
Supplements:- Tudca, NAC, Milk Thistle, Krill Oil, CoQ10, Bergamot, Psyllium Husk
Bloods to be take every 4 weeks or so
Cal - 3,700 to 3,850
Carb - 400 to 420
Protein - 280 to 295
Fat - 91 to 120
Meal 1: Shake (WPC, Oats, Chia Seeds, Cacao, Oat Milk)
Cal 595.28
Carb 61.80
Protein 39.70
Fat 26.20
Meal 2: Chicken & Rice (Chicken Breast, White Rice, Sriracha Mayo)
Cal 426.19
Carb 66.30
Protein 29.13
Fat 4.22
Meal 3: Pork Stir-Fy w/ White Rice, Beef Ragu w/ White Rice, Tuna Wrap - All Approx
Cal 550
Carb 60
Protein 30
Fat 18
Meal 4: Chicken & Rice (Chicken Breast, White Rice, Sriracha Mayo)
Cal 426.19
Carb 66.30
Protein 29.13
Fat 4.22
Intra: BCAA's
Cal 50
Carb .5
Protein 11
Fat 0
Post: Shake (WPC, Bannana, Honey, Soy Milk)
Cal 431.71
Carb 44.37
Protein 39.93
Fat 9.73
Dinner: Chicken Burrito Bowl, Chicken Satay Bowl, Fish & Veg, Sasauges & Veg - All Approx
Cal 700
Carb 85
Protein 60
Fat 20
Dessert: Mug Cake w/ Greek Yogurt, Casein Ice Cream
Cal 500
Carb 30
Protein 45
Fat 21
Phase 1 (6 Weeks, Moderate Volume, Moderate Intensity 7-9RPE)
Push/Pull/Legs/Upper/ Lower Split
Push #1
Bench Press 1 x 3-5
Larsen Press 2 x 10
Dumbbell Arnold Press 3 x 8-10
A1. Press-Around 2 x 12-15
A2. Pec Static Stretch 30s 2 x 30s
Cross-Body Cable Y-Raise 3 x 12-15
Sqz Tri Press/Stretch OH Tri Ext 3 x 8 + 8
N1 Cross-Body Tri Ext 2 x 10-12
Pull #1
Lat Pulldown (Feeder Sets) 4 x 10
Lat Pulldown (Failure Set) 1 x 10+5
Incline Chest-Sup DB Row 3 x 10-12
A1. Cable Lat Pullover 2 x 10-12
A2. Lat Static Stretch 30s 2 x 30s
Omni-Direction Face Pull 3 x 12-15
EZ-Bar Curl 3 x 6-8
Bottom-Half Preacher Curl 2 x 10-12
Legs #1
Squat 1 x 2-4
Pause Squat (Back off) 2 x 5
Barbell RDL 3 x 8-10
Walking Lunge 2 x 10
Lying Leg Curl 3 x 10-12
Calf Raise 4 x 10-12
Cable Crunch 3 x 10-12
Upper #1
Pull-Up 2 x 8-10
Close-Grip BB Incline Press 3 x 8, 5, 12
Kroc Row 3 x 10-12
Eccen/Cable Lateral Raise 3 x 5, 15
N1 Cross-Body Bicep Curl 3 x 10-12
Diamond Pushup 1 x AMRAP
Lower #1
Deadlift 1 x 5
Stiff-Leg Deadlift 2 x 8
Bulgarian Split Squat 4 x 10-12
Nordic Ham Curl 3 x 8-10
Slow-Eccentric Leg Extension 3 x 8-10
Calf Raise 4 x 15-20
Hanging Leg Raise 3 x 10-20
Thoughts, advice or if you have any questions let me know. Bloodwork to follow soon for a health check before kicking off.