Male, Malaysian + Kiwi, 36yrs, Weight: 86kg, Height: 5ft8
New to powerlifting and strongman (2.5months), always been interested in the sport and love lifting. Prior to starting I worked out once or twice a week, very half assed. I would do 2 sets of whatever... and never to failure, which still made me sore for up to 4 days after... Had tried PEDs years ago but stopped. Never took that much, but also had not much idea what I was doing. FYI, I had a phobia of needles.... NOT ANY MORE
<<<<<PED journey>>>>>
I had a vial of prop I picked up back in the day which was sitting in my cabinet for a year or more which I never touched. One fine day, after a hard day on the job, I decided to pin it for an energy boost. I felt fucking great and smashed the job, energy and libido was racing. I loved the feeling, but it hurt like fuck wherever I jabbed it (still worth it). This was about 4 months ago. Since then, I jumped on sus250 after hearing all the positive anecdotal feedback on Youtube. Started pinning 0.3ml three times a week, split dose, Monday, Wednesday & Friday. This was the best I ever felt in ages after it took full effect (Approx. 2 weeks). I plan to stay on this protocol for the foreseeable future.
<<<<<My Experience with DBOL>>>>>
Ounce I started powerlifting/strongman I introduced extra stuff like Dbol. I took 2x 10mg Dbol in the evening prior to training and almost straight after felt a tingling in my chest and got puffy as fuck. I knew what was happening and starting popping 100mg of DIM to control the estrogen. Luckily the side effects subsided with no issue and decided never to do that again. I tried taking 1x 10mg Dbol which did not produce the sides but also didn't do much of anything anyway. Now I have loads of Dbol and don't know what to do with it. I might just ask random people at the supermarket if they want Dbol and give it to them.
<<<<<My experience with GH and dealing with doctors>>>>>
Decided to jump on generic GH, again after hearing all the hype on Youtube, but first went to a sports/aging clinic in a rich neighborhood to get my tumor markers tested. I had a mate who told me about this place when he tried to get on TRT after having severely low test from prior heavy gear use. The doctor has prescribed him HCG laced candies or something but no test. He told me the doctor got him to drop his pants where he proceeded to fondle his balls to "check for testicular atrophy". Anyway, I booked a consult for bloods to check my tumor markers, and all was going well, then the nurse told me the doctor wanted to see me. I was thinking what for? In comes this old dude who looks like he's juicing hard, his face was red and bloated like a tomato. He started grilling me about why I'm getting my bloods etc. Eventually he got me to admit that I'm on 1ml of sus250 a week then immediately tried to get me to drop my pants to "check for testicular atrophy". I told him my balls have shrunk a little but it's fine, but he insisted he had to check them, so I let him fondle my balls for no reason. I then told him about my friend who recommended him and mentioned that he got his balls fondled as well, the doctor started to panic and ran out the office saying he had something to deal with? He just left me in the consult room so I went out to reception to ask what was going on and what I'm supposed to do now. I eventually paid the bill and left a bit confused. I regretted going to the clinic when I could have just done the same tests online and regretted telling a doctor I was using test.
About a month or more later I still haven't got my test results back from that clinic, I even stared pinning 3iu a day of GH meanwhile. I felt really good straight away and felt an energy and mood boost along with mental clarity. Eventually I called the clinic, and they said they had my results and said a doctor will call me regarding them. I asked for a copy of the actual blood work, but they didn't send it to me. Then a few days later a different doctor from the clinic called me and told me that my tumor markers came back negative. I did all my other bloods as well while I was there, not just my tumor markers, and he told me my test levels were so high the machine couldn't record them, and that my estrogen was high (it wasn't really). I told him that I feel great and when I got the bloods done, I felt really great so how can this be an issue? He gave me a text script for Arimidex and told me to take half a tab every day and to completely stop taking test. He told me to re-check my bloods after a month. I just agreed with him to be polite, but I wasn't taking his advice without researching for myself first. Ever since the whole covid debacle, I don't fully trust the medical industry anymore... I mean, can you blame me? After all, big pharma is a billion-dollar business and a lota doctors are just practicing to cash in. If a doctor does not follow what their medical hierarchy dictates, they can lose their jobs and livelihoods. My Dad is a doctor, and he would stick you with anything they tell him to if it meant that he could keep his big income and lifestyle which he has become accustomed to, that's the brutal truth... After some research I learned that the estrogen level was normal and taking 1/2 a tab of Arimidex a day will fuck me up and most likely crash my estrogen, plus he didn't even tell me how long to take it for, plus stopping test without any PCT would crash my test levels. My assumption is that if I had followed the doctors advise then did the bloods, my results will be a train wreck, and he would then try and sell me HCG candies or something. On the other, I could also be completely wrong, who knows.... FYI: I STILL NEVER RECIEVED MY OFFICIAL BLOODWORK EVEN AFTER ASKING AGAIN......
At this point I had used an entire kit of 10x 10IU vials of generic GH and was onto my second kit. This is where things got interesting... I started upping my dose to see what would happen. I went from 3IU to almost 4-5IU. First, I noticed that I was needing to sleep ALOT and was needing naps regularly, making me sluggish at work and I had pretty bad brain fog. Appetite wasn't great either. I was told to up my carbs to counter-act the effects of hypoglycemia which is a side effect from using GH. As I understand it, GH signals your pituitary to produce IGF-1 in the liver which completes the production of Insulin, thus causing insulin resistance or a lack of insulin resulting in hypoglycemia. This resulted in me losing a noticeable amount of weight and strength, which I only picked up on later when doing some research. The stupidity continued when I wanted to finish what was left in a vial and pinned 6IU at night. The next day I was at a busy afternoon public gathering and I was feeling weak and clammy with a feeling that I was going to puke but I was stuck in the auditorium and knew I was in trouble. Anyway, the gathering ended, and people were slowing filing out and I didn't think I was going to make it without collapsing and making scene. I just barely made it to the fridge and bought orange juice to get some sugar in. After 15mins or so I felt a bit better but was feeling fucked the whole day and swore I wouldn't pin that much GH again. I had all the classic side effects or GH; puffy hands, lethargy, numb/tingling fingers that wouldn't go away. On the upside, I think we can confirm that the GH was good stuff, so not a total loss.
<<<<<My Experience with TEST PROP>>>>>
For some reason I was really into test prop because I like the almost immediate effect it would give me after pinning, so I ended up getting a decent amount of prop (5 vials or so), seems like they were just giving it away...... wonder why....... Anyway, I had ample amounts of prop so I thought I would be smart and try and use it up by supplementing in the equivalent amount of prop in milligrams to the sus250 by doing some math. I would reduce the sus250 to like 0.15ml with 0.5ml of prop (100mg) and pin that three time a week. After a week or so I started feeling like shit and felt like my test was crashing. I wasn't sure why this was happening as I had done the math on the dosages. I also noticed some increased acne on my upper back and neck. After suffering with this for a while I went back to my original protocol of sus250, 0.3ml, 3 times weekly. Almost right away, I felt better. In hindsight, this experiment was a failure for a few reasons.... here is my understanding of what happened; first of all, test prop would give me really bad pip, I would pin the delt one time and have little to no pip, then pin the exact same spot, the exact same way and get really bad pip. I tried different needle sizes, needle lengths, jab depth, rubbing the area, not rubbing area.... nothing seemed to consistently stop the pip from occurring, soon I was running out of spots to jab because I was covered in pip welts and bumps. I even thought of jabbing my upper thigh which in the past had sent me to the hospital. Secondly, prop has a really short half-life and because I was pinning Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, I was waiting almost three days between the Friday and Monday shot, resulting in my test crashing every week. I would also make up for this by pinning more, ending up with my test levels going all over the place. The rapid increase and decrease in my test levels was likely responsible for the acne as now my estrogen was out of wack. I still enjoy prop, but you need a longer acting ester as a base to keep your test on an even keel or you can get fucked up. Adding prop on top of a longer acting ester seems to be ok and can almost act as a mini cycle.
<<<<<My Experience with HALOTESTIN>>>>>
I managed to try good quality Halotestin before a powerlifting session. I only took 1 tab which I think was only 50mg? I didn't notice anything much during the training session. The effect was felt the following day, I felt really pumped and a bit sexually nuts and may have done things I regretted. Following that day or so of interesting side effects, my junk had literally ceased to operate and I have lost any pleasurable feeling in my nether regions. Don't ask me how I found that out, but some shame was involved, I'll leave it at that. This had scared the shit out of me, and it took a good part of a month the kind of go back to normal. All that from 1 TABLET! I may not use this compound again... actually FUCK NO.
<<<<<My Experience with ANADROL>>>>>
I used 50mg of pure Anadrol powder before a workout and had one of the best workouts in years. My strength was crazy and I was pumped both physically and mentally. My first feeling was, what's the catch? but there was none... I didn't go sexually nuts, didn't have any sides from aromatase. I felt pumped and put on 1kg of weight after only using it a few times. I'm using this as part of a protocol to prepare for a bench press comp and this is the most enjoyable oral so far. Only issue is its toxicity and anecdotal reports of testicular scaring. I heard this on Youtube so if someone can confirm this maybe? Apparently, it's been reported from cadavers or something. Very odd indeed, so probably use a limited amount for a limited time. I use a bunch of supplements long side this oral to mitigate the toxicity to the body, which I will list below. One of these supplements really saved my ass, MAGNESIUM. I was having terrible muscle aches and would wake up sore from training, like a general pain everywhere and it would persist throughout the day and make me miserable. Anyway, I discovered how essential magnesium is for your muscles and a person who is training hard and using gear needs ALOT more than your average person. I started using a high-quality powdered magnesium, and literally the night I used it, the aches went away the next day. This stuff is a life saver. in fact, I'm going to take a scoop right now...
<<<<<Current Regimen of "stuff" I take>>>>>>
- Sus250 > 0.3ml split dose 3 times a week > Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- Test Prop (100mg) > 0.1ml along the sus250 now and then, to give me a little boost (and so I can use the fuking thing up)
- Anadrol > 50mg before training > Approx. 3 times a week (started last week, to prepare for comp)
- Supplement > Mostly to deal with Anadrol > Milk Thistle, TUDCA, CoQ10, Fish Oil, Ashwagandha, Glutathione (IM Injection), Magnesium Powder, Bovine Collagen Peptide Powder, Metamucil, BSN Whey Protein, probiotics, DIM (25mg/day, I heard if you take more your estro will go up?)
- Peptides > Semax (Nootropic), TB500 (healing), DSIP (Sleep)
- Drugs > A bit of pure DMAA powder (couldn't have finished this log without it)
- Diet > Pretty much eat anything
<<<<<Current Recorded Lifts>>>>>>
Squat: 160kg
Bench: 140kg
Deadlift: 200kg
Male, Malaysian + Kiwi, 36yrs, Weight: 86kg, Height: 5ft8
New to powerlifting and strongman (2.5months), always been interested in the sport and love lifting. Prior to starting I worked out once or twice a week, very half assed. I would do 2 sets of whatever... and never to failure, which still made me sore for up to 4 days after... Had tried PEDs years ago but stopped. Never took that much, but also had not much idea what I was doing. FYI, I had a phobia of needles.... NOT ANY MORE
<<<<<PED journey>>>>>
I had a vial of prop I picked up back in the day which was sitting in my cabinet for a year or more which I never touched. One fine day, after a hard day on the job, I decided to pin it for an energy boost. I felt fucking great and smashed the job, energy and libido was racing. I loved the feeling, but it hurt like fuck wherever I jabbed it (still worth it). This was about 4 months ago. Since then, I jumped on sus250 after hearing all the positive anecdotal feedback on Youtube. Started pinning 0.3ml three times a week, split dose, Monday, Wednesday & Friday. This was the best I ever felt in ages after it took full effect (Approx. 2 weeks). I plan to stay on this protocol for the foreseeable future.
<<<<<My Experience with DBOL>>>>>
Ounce I started powerlifting/strongman I introduced extra stuff like Dbol. I took 2x 10mg Dbol in the evening prior to training and almost straight after felt a tingling in my chest and got puffy as fuck. I knew what was happening and starting popping 100mg of DIM to control the estrogen. Luckily the side effects subsided with no issue and decided never to do that again. I tried taking 1x 10mg Dbol which did not produce the sides but also didn't do much of anything anyway. Now I have loads of Dbol and don't know what to do with it. I might just ask random people at the supermarket if they want Dbol and give it to them.
<<<<<My experience with GH and dealing with doctors>>>>>
Decided to jump on generic GH, again after hearing all the hype on Youtube, but first went to a sports/aging clinic in a rich neighborhood to get my tumor markers tested. I had a mate who told me about this place when he tried to get on TRT after having severely low test from prior heavy gear use. The doctor has prescribed him HCG laced candies or something but no test. He told me the doctor got him to drop his pants where he proceeded to fondle his balls to "check for testicular atrophy". Anyway, I booked a consult for bloods to check my tumor markers, and all was going well, then the nurse told me the doctor wanted to see me. I was thinking what for? In comes this old dude who looks like he's juicing hard, his face was red and bloated like a tomato. He started grilling me about why I'm getting my bloods etc. Eventually he got me to admit that I'm on 1ml of sus250 a week then immediately tried to get me to drop my pants to "check for testicular atrophy". I told him my balls have shrunk a little but it's fine, but he insisted he had to check them, so I let him fondle my balls for no reason. I then told him about my friend who recommended him and mentioned that he got his balls fondled as well, the doctor started to panic and ran out the office saying he had something to deal with? He just left me in the consult room so I went out to reception to ask what was going on and what I'm supposed to do now. I eventually paid the bill and left a bit confused. I regretted going to the clinic when I could have just done the same tests online and regretted telling a doctor I was using test.
About a month or more later I still haven't got my test results back from that clinic, I even stared pinning 3iu a day of GH meanwhile. I felt really good straight away and felt an energy and mood boost along with mental clarity. Eventually I called the clinic, and they said they had my results and said a doctor will call me regarding them. I asked for a copy of the actual blood work, but they didn't send it to me. Then a few days later a different doctor from the clinic called me and told me that my tumor markers came back negative. I did all my other bloods as well while I was there, not just my tumor markers, and he told me my test levels were so high the machine couldn't record them, and that my estrogen was high (it wasn't really). I told him that I feel great and when I got the bloods done, I felt really great so how can this be an issue? He gave me a text script for Arimidex and told me to take half a tab every day and to completely stop taking test. He told me to re-check my bloods after a month. I just agreed with him to be polite, but I wasn't taking his advice without researching for myself first. Ever since the whole covid debacle, I don't fully trust the medical industry anymore... I mean, can you blame me? After all, big pharma is a billion-dollar business and a lota doctors are just practicing to cash in. If a doctor does not follow what their medical hierarchy dictates, they can lose their jobs and livelihoods. My Dad is a doctor, and he would stick you with anything they tell him to if it meant that he could keep his big income and lifestyle which he has become accustomed to, that's the brutal truth... After some research I learned that the estrogen level was normal and taking 1/2 a tab of Arimidex a day will fuck me up and most likely crash my estrogen, plus he didn't even tell me how long to take it for, plus stopping test without any PCT would crash my test levels. My assumption is that if I had followed the doctors advise then did the bloods, my results will be a train wreck, and he would then try and sell me HCG candies or something. On the other, I could also be completely wrong, who knows.... FYI: I STILL NEVER RECIEVED MY OFFICIAL BLOODWORK EVEN AFTER ASKING AGAIN......
At this point I had used an entire kit of 10x 10IU vials of generic GH and was onto my second kit. This is where things got interesting... I started upping my dose to see what would happen. I went from 3IU to almost 4-5IU. First, I noticed that I was needing to sleep ALOT and was needing naps regularly, making me sluggish at work and I had pretty bad brain fog. Appetite wasn't great either. I was told to up my carbs to counter-act the effects of hypoglycemia which is a side effect from using GH. As I understand it, GH signals your pituitary to produce IGF-1 in the liver which completes the production of Insulin, thus causing insulin resistance or a lack of insulin resulting in hypoglycemia. This resulted in me losing a noticeable amount of weight and strength, which I only picked up on later when doing some research. The stupidity continued when I wanted to finish what was left in a vial and pinned 6IU at night. The next day I was at a busy afternoon public gathering and I was feeling weak and clammy with a feeling that I was going to puke but I was stuck in the auditorium and knew I was in trouble. Anyway, the gathering ended, and people were slowing filing out and I didn't think I was going to make it without collapsing and making scene. I just barely made it to the fridge and bought orange juice to get some sugar in. After 15mins or so I felt a bit better but was feeling fucked the whole day and swore I wouldn't pin that much GH again. I had all the classic side effects or GH; puffy hands, lethargy, numb/tingling fingers that wouldn't go away. On the upside, I think we can confirm that the GH was good stuff, so not a total loss.
<<<<<My Experience with TEST PROP>>>>>
For some reason I was really into test prop because I like the almost immediate effect it would give me after pinning, so I ended up getting a decent amount of prop (5 vials or so), seems like they were just giving it away...... wonder why....... Anyway, I had ample amounts of prop so I thought I would be smart and try and use it up by supplementing in the equivalent amount of prop in milligrams to the sus250 by doing some math. I would reduce the sus250 to like 0.15ml with 0.5ml of prop (100mg) and pin that three time a week. After a week or so I started feeling like shit and felt like my test was crashing. I wasn't sure why this was happening as I had done the math on the dosages. I also noticed some increased acne on my upper back and neck. After suffering with this for a while I went back to my original protocol of sus250, 0.3ml, 3 times weekly. Almost right away, I felt better. In hindsight, this experiment was a failure for a few reasons.... here is my understanding of what happened; first of all, test prop would give me really bad pip, I would pin the delt one time and have little to no pip, then pin the exact same spot, the exact same way and get really bad pip. I tried different needle sizes, needle lengths, jab depth, rubbing the area, not rubbing area.... nothing seemed to consistently stop the pip from occurring, soon I was running out of spots to jab because I was covered in pip welts and bumps. I even thought of jabbing my upper thigh which in the past had sent me to the hospital. Secondly, prop has a really short half-life and because I was pinning Mondays, Wednesdays & Fridays, I was waiting almost three days between the Friday and Monday shot, resulting in my test crashing every week. I would also make up for this by pinning more, ending up with my test levels going all over the place. The rapid increase and decrease in my test levels was likely responsible for the acne as now my estrogen was out of wack. I still enjoy prop, but you need a longer acting ester as a base to keep your test on an even keel or you can get fucked up. Adding prop on top of a longer acting ester seems to be ok and can almost act as a mini cycle.
<<<<<My Experience with HALOTESTIN>>>>>
I managed to try good quality Halotestin before a powerlifting session. I only took 1 tab which I think was only 50mg? I didn't notice anything much during the training session. The effect was felt the following day, I felt really pumped and a bit sexually nuts and may have done things I regretted. Following that day or so of interesting side effects, my junk had literally ceased to operate and I have lost any pleasurable feeling in my nether regions. Don't ask me how I found that out, but some shame was involved, I'll leave it at that. This had scared the shit out of me, and it took a good part of a month the kind of go back to normal. All that from 1 TABLET! I may not use this compound again... actually FUCK NO.
<<<<<My Experience with ANADROL>>>>>
I used 50mg of pure Anadrol powder before a workout and had one of the best workouts in years. My strength was crazy and I was pumped both physically and mentally. My first feeling was, what's the catch? but there was none... I didn't go sexually nuts, didn't have any sides from aromatase. I felt pumped and put on 1kg of weight after only using it a few times. I'm using this as part of a protocol to prepare for a bench press comp and this is the most enjoyable oral so far. Only issue is its toxicity and anecdotal reports of testicular scaring. I heard this on Youtube so if someone can confirm this maybe? Apparently, it's been reported from cadavers or something. Very odd indeed, so probably use a limited amount for a limited time. I use a bunch of supplements long side this oral to mitigate the toxicity to the body, which I will list below. One of these supplements really saved my ass, MAGNESIUM. I was having terrible muscle aches and would wake up sore from training, like a general pain everywhere and it would persist throughout the day and make me miserable. Anyway, I discovered how essential magnesium is for your muscles and a person who is training hard and using gear needs ALOT more than your average person. I started using a high-quality powdered magnesium, and literally the night I used it, the aches went away the next day. This stuff is a life saver. in fact, I'm going to take a scoop right now...
<<<<<Current Regimen of "stuff" I take>>>>>>
- Sus250 > 0.3ml split dose 3 times a week > Monday, Wednesday, Friday
- Test Prop (100mg) > 0.1ml along the sus250 now and then, to give me a little boost (and so I can use the fuking thing up)
- Anadrol > 50mg before training > Approx. 3 times a week (started last week, to prepare for comp)
- Supplement > Mostly to deal with Anadrol > Milk Thistle, TUDCA, CoQ10, Fish Oil, Ashwagandha, Glutathione (IM Injection), Magnesium Powder, Bovine Collagen Peptide Powder, Metamucil, BSN Whey Protein, probiotics, DIM (25mg/day, I heard if you take more your estro will go up?)
- Peptides > Semax (Nootropic), TB500 (healing), DSIP (Sleep)
- Drugs > A bit of pure DMAA powder (couldn't have finished this log without it)
- Diet > Pretty much eat anything
<<<<<Current Recorded Lifts>>>>>>
Squat: 160kg
Bench: 140kg
Deadlift: 200kg