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Approved Log LOSIOL TRT Anabolism Cruise Log

whole foods has rice in pouches that you can throw in the microwave if you don't have time to use the rice cooker that are free of oils
Good to know thanks! I don’t mind using the rice cooker however fresh rice really does help when your eating so much of it hahah
I already told myself and will try to ingrain this that no matter how bad I end up looking due to water and fat I will fully commit to the bulk. 😂
@Losiol truth is you can do a recomp bulk where you dont gain any fat at all man :)
volume is looking on point and it's a beautiful thing to see
man you got some really commitment on a Friday and Saturday
you must really enjoy working out
you're definitely an inspiration it's a lifestyle for you
I can't believe you're 225 lbs and you're so damn lean
excellent job on the Sleep 9 hours is incredible
@Losiol truth is you can do a recomp bulk where you dont gain any fat at all man :)
Next time I will, this bulk I am really trying to put on some extreme mass before I prep for a show 😅
Sleep: 8H
Morning fasted bw: 227

Insane arm day / shoulder day. Another solid session for the books. Hoping the weight will stabilize a little however incase it doesn't I may need to slow down on the calories. I might start this bulk pre maturely tbh still debating unless I cut down on eating a little. Training feels so good and strong, pumps haven't been this good in a hot minute. I may need to get a new wardrobe haha everything is so tight :P

Shoulders / Arms

Barbell seated shoulder press
12 (135)
08 (185)
10 (135)
06 (135)

DB Arnold shoulder press
10 (55)
10 (55)
08 (55)

DB lateral raises seated
12 (25) super set standing 12 (20) x4

Smith machine shoulder press - Slow negatives
12 (135)
10 (185)
08 (135)
08 (135)

Preacher curls 7/7/7
21 (90) x3

Machine dips
20 (180)
15 (180)
12 (180)

Machine preacher curls
12 (115)
10 (90)
10 (90)

12 (60) x4

Tricep rope pushdowns - super set with face pulls
12 (60) x4

Pin loaded machine lateral raises
12 (60) super set front raises 06 (60) x3
Sleep: 8H
Morning fasted bw: 227

Insane arm day / shoulder day. Another solid session for the books. Hoping the weight will stabilize a little however incase it doesn't I may need to slow down on the calories. I might start this bulk pre maturely tbh still debating unless I cut down on eating a little. Training feels so good and strong, pumps haven't been this good in a hot minute. I may need to get a new wardrobe haha everything is so tight :p

Shoulders / Arms

Barbell seated shoulder press
12 (135)
08 (185)
10 (135)
06 (135)

DB Arnold shoulder press
10 (55)
10 (55)
08 (55)

DB lateral raises seated
12 (25) super set standing 12 (20) x4

Smith machine shoulder press - Slow negatives
12 (135)
10 (185)
08 (135)
08 (135)

Preacher curls 7/7/7
21 (90) x3

Machine dips
20 (180)
15 (180)
12 (180)

Machine preacher curls
12 (115)
10 (90)
10 (90)

12 (60) x4

Tricep rope pushdowns - super set with face pulls
12 (60) x4

Pin loaded machine lateral raises
12 (60) super set front raises 06 (60) x3
@Losiol Solid update bro.....keep up the legit work.......
Ngl at this rate I may be there also in 6 weeks 😂😂
Will be interesting to see pics of us at the same weight. I think it's possible that 240 will be as low as I can get. The anadrol starts in 7 weeks.
Will be interesting to see pics of us at the same weight. I think it's possible that 240 will be as low as I can get. The anadrol starts in 7 weeks.
At that point I’ll prob be avoiding any mirrors unless I’m pumped hahahah
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