Masteron is primarily a cosmetic drug. You really won't get much from it other then a hardening effect to your physique. If you aren't below 8% body fat, you probably won't even notice it.
Trenbolone is one of the most powerful steroids in existence. It is extremely effective. In my opinion, the whole 'tren side effects' thing is over blown. If you are using a sensible dosage and are using the proper support supplements with your cycle, I doubt you will experience any side effects at all.
A test/tren cycle needs 3 main support supplements:
1. An AI like aromasin to keep estrogen in the low-normal range
2. An anti-prolactin drug like cabergoline to keep prolactin in the low-normal range
3. Cardarine to increase fat loss, endurance and prevent tren related side effects like tren cough
Cardarine isn't talked about much as a support for a cycle with tren but it is fantastic for preventing tren related side effects. Tren is notorious for negatively impacting endurance and causing insulin resistance. Cardarine helps prevent that immensely.
This is how I would run a test/tren cycle:
Weeks 1 - 10
Testosterone e 500mg/week
OR Test prop 100-150mg EOD
Tren e 300mg/week
OR tren ace 50-75mg EOD
aromasin 10mg EOD
cabergoline 0.25mg EOD
cardarine 20mg/day
After the cycle run the perfect PCT protocol ->