On the whole carb etc thing. It's 100% misleading.
How I could cheat the results:
1) Stop creatine for a few days (a week would be ideal). I'd drop 5lbs
2) Fast for 24 hours then weigh myself then (and eat right after). Min diff 4lbs (so 9lbs running total)
3) Lie. No one has seen pics of me naked on a scale at the start nor will at the end.
4) The carb thing - WHY do so MANY on diet plans (inc me on this one) lose weight quickly right at the beginning? Cos they cut carbs. Carbs are, obviously, a way of dropping water. I could go zero carbs for a day (still lower than my usual) and see another 3lbs drop (down 12 total).
One suggestion (from someone here with a Masters no less... little clue) suggested 1200kcals (800 from protein and 400 from carbs). So all that studying and the way to lose weight is to starve yourself?? C'mon.
And finally 'losing weight'. It's up there with gaining weight. It's a misnomer. We really mean 'LOSE FAT' or 'ADD MUSCLE'. Cos 'weight' can mean a bit of both.
I've been as clear as I can with regards to doing exactly what I ought to be doing.
More steps/cardio than I usually do (which keeps me as I usually am).
Eating better (zero or nearly zero crap)
Eating less (min 800kcals less if I just ate at the targeted level - in fact many days I was far short).
And all the cries to eat more protein. It's kinda skewed. There are a bunch of other logs where almost all are hitting that number way better than me. But almost all of them are circa 50-80lbs less bodyweight than me. Most lift less. And, of course, what they want or are aiming for is NOT the same. AND I've directed said comments to the protein thread I created. While our group is kinda too small to be 'proof' how is it there's not actually much to support a 180g man hitting 300g protein when I'm 320+ barely hitting 200?? What little science there is doesn't support it. And I've even agreed that the reason why I DO support a sensible amount is we've seen again and again how poor diets are and esp on PEDs and how simply fixing it by eating circa 200g and BETTER gives awesome results for those looking to be lean and ripped.