Nearly finished
I only realized an hour or so ago that today is the actual last day (day 28). I'm gonna stay on plan tonight then weigh myself in more or less what I wore at the beginning at the local gym tomorrow.
Where I think I'll be
It will NOT be a lot less (like 3lbs) from where I started but it IS a success. My waist has gone down. I did a little flex in the mirror at Powerhouse after arms and can see the delt/bicep/tricep tie ins. I've only had one stomach issue (not food related but from this weeks crazy heavy leg session) which comes of eating almost zero junk (see below). Strength has stayed on point even depleted and is about to get real crazy (hopefully the` sus/deca will be here V soon as it's much delayed (fkin post office))
Diet n cardio
My cardio has been very close to the targeted 8000 per day (just 3 of the 28 short I think) and ironically tomorrow will be high. Diet has rarely been over and many days I've been way short of the numbers. I doubt I even averaged 2700k and 150g protein
ParaPharma Cut 150
I'm still not a fan of tren but it DOES fkin work 100%. I don't suffer from anxiety but I can deffo see that those that do should NOT use Tren. You 100% KNOW when you're on Tren. Equally, just to get a feel for it using Tren A is ideal. Any PIP I thought I had (first few pins) was NOT product but me allowing the pin to move. In smooth as butter otherwise and a highly recommended product. One more thing... I rarely notice too much of a difference sex drive wise between on and off (probably cos I'm a low dose guy. But I deffo noticed an uplift here. I was wearing it out lol
If you was WAY more hardcore than me and wanted to get ripped (I just wanted to feel lighter on my feet) then ParaPharma Cut 150 WILL help you for sure.
Thanks to...
I also wanna thank the admin team (GearHead especially) and UGFreak for their support. Without their help and encouragement this cut would not have happened. Ditto thanks to those who actually read my log entries