For all the guys that are saying thanks for the info I appreciate it. I was just sharing my experience with a source and lab that is no longer available. For all the guys saying selective scammers ( I always love this one btw lol) and fake products and unapproved source. Well the only approved source for me is the one I approve. The one I do my own research on. I have been in this game since early 90’s when we used to have to go to playa del Carmen Mexico and get out own personal source and then run it back through Miami or Atlanta customs. Well most of you probably wasnt even born yet. I was not promoting anyone just sharing that I would miss them. Go back a few years ago on these boards and you’ll see nothing but negativity about naps and now it’s approved. I was using naps back then and they always was fine by me. That’s why On my original post I said be a member of ALL the message boards and steroid forums. There may be one you like and stay on more than others and mine was always Evo, but I was not exclusive to this site. The only way to do actual research is to visit and learn as much as you can about a source and lab before you buy. Also, just my opinion but I never order anything but domestic products so there will be no customs (no excuse) not to get your product. You have no business ordering from a source that you’re not sure of. Don’t take ANYONES word for it. The only approved source should be the source that you’ve done your research on and build up a trust relationship with them. I know when I had no balls and had no money MD sent me hcg and clomid and within a week my balls were back and aching. So that’s real. Anyways, I WILL find my next comfortable source and lab and then I shall fade back into the darkness again. I said this before That’s how it’s done fellas. That’s why most people get on these boards. I like to read about people like Boston and peoples experiences but for most it’s about getting a source. Stay safe and work hard bros. Good luck to all of you.