Todays German Volume training
He didn’t send my chart yet with the numbers but it’s four moves grouped into two super sets of ten sets of ten reps each alternating and
100 reps per and 400 reps total and rest is short.
I really like this work out. I hate lifting weights but this forces me to attack or quit. Cuz you can’t half ass this and you also feel real instant results
Apparently after four weeks you move to second more difficult phase 2 of this German thing.
I use all the anger and contempt I have for people who drive to slow on the FWY And channel it into this and the Anavar makes me nuts. I feel like I’ll say anything to anyone. I wanted to walk out side and ask the hot Filipino contractor if he wanted to fuck. Trainer said it might be a bad idea. I don’t know he’s always friendly.
Then I came home and got depressed about the muscle party, assumed it’ll be terrible, then angry again. Then I ate bread, juice, chocolate cake , chocolate bar , lumpia and fried chicken, fed the cat watched porn feel asleep. Now I’m bloated
But I look pretty good in these vids and I feel ok. But im bloated and flabby . ( which will restart the whole cycle all over agiain)