I posted most of my particulars in my other thread, but I'm 44 years old. 5'10", 251lbs this morning after 1 week of cutting. 20% bodyfat. I'll update this thread with food for today and steps either tonight or on the morning.
Maintance calories are approximately 3000kcals so shooting for 2500 currently.
Average -12k steps per day which is the bulk of my cardio. Goal is to get bodyfat down to 12-15% range, but I also have some strength goals I want to hit by January so after this cycle I'm going to run a clean bulk/recomp.
Current cycle is 1ml para pharma cut stack eod with .15ml test cyp. Also on 60mg armourthyroid. Works out to 175mg tren ace, 175mg masteron, and 400mg test per week. I have arimidex on hand if I see any signs of high estrogen.
N2 guard 7 caps/day, ~7mg creatine, dhea, and red yeast rice are my only supplements side from a daily multivitamin and protein powder.
Diet is 300g protein, 100g fat, 100g carbs or there about.
Training is 3x per week full body. I'll post up Saturdays workout.
Sleep is my biggest issue between work and commuting and all trying to live, sirens time with the wife, etc. 6 hours is about average During the week with 8-9 on the weekends.
I'm not trying to get shredded, just lean enough and swole.
I'll be back on my trt dose of 200mg/week after this cycle for 8 weeks and then I plan to run a lean bulk/strength focused cycle. 400mg test, 200mg NPP per week with 25mg proviron per day. Also ordered anadrol which I'll likely use pre-workout at 50mg on training days only.
Bloodwork should fall 6-7weeks post this cut cycle and right before the next one with my trt doctor. This is my 1st cycle which is why the dosages may seem low for a guy my size.
I'll try to get some pics up in the next couple days and thanks for the positive words. I know the general consensus is us fat guys shouldn't be on steroids, but we want the performance enhancing too. I lost 100lbs last year and came down from 326 at 35%+ bodyfat so diet and training are in check. Bloods markers are all good. Jumping on with the big boys to see what this enhanced lifestyle is all about.