I’m 38 years old and past my peak condition years, but I refuse to lose the lifestyle I have come to love. I train hard and often, it’s my therapy, and my release. I started Martial Art from a young age, I’ve done it all and although I no longer fight competitively, I cannot stay out of the ring. (I also, I want to look my best and move well into my 40’s). This year I have set myself a goal to fight another Muay Thai competition, in Thailand. These fights there are and are not serious. Fighters basically put on a show for the tourist, it’s real training and real hits but we’re fighting to test our skills and for the crowd. I want to look my best for this fight, and put on a real show, it may be the last.
Note: These fights are not rank, and not tested.
Anavar @ 50mg - 8wks
PCT - Nolva 40/20/20/20
Pers info:
Age 38.
Height: 181cm
Sex: Male
Training experience: Over 10 years
Starting weight: 104kg
Current weight: 96kg
Target weight: 84-86kg.
Training Schedule
Diet. Carb Cycle. 2800-3300kcals
Note: These fights are not rank, and not tested.
Anavar @ 50mg - 8wks
PCT - Nolva 40/20/20/20
Pers info:
Age 38.
Height: 181cm
Sex: Male
Training experience: Over 10 years
Starting weight: 104kg
Current weight: 96kg
Target weight: 84-86kg.
Training Schedule
Technique: | Tues, Thurs, Sat | Focusing on Boxing and Muay Thai |
S&C | Mon, wed, Fri | Focusing on explosive ATP and Anaerobic energy system. |
Extra Cardio (conditioning) | Cross training, Cycling x3 sessions p/w | HR 140-150 bpm |
Diet. Carb Cycle. 2800-3300kcals
Protein and Fat days | Tues, Wed, Fri, Sat |
Carbohydrate days | Mon, Thurs, Sun. |