Disclocated both shoulders due to an accident 3, years ago, it kept coming off and now i can not scratch my back without the pain, sleeping on it hurts and it effects my work out.
Hear a lot about the healing powers of BPC 157, I am going to run 2 cycles of 4 weeks with 2 weeks off in between. 200 mcg to each delt AM and PM.
Hoping to eliminate the pain to some extent and gin back some range of motion.
Week BPC 157
1 800 MCG
2 800 MCG
3 800 MCG
4 800 MCG
5 off
6 off
7 800 MCG
9 800 MCG
10 800 MCG
11 800 MCG
Hear a lot about the healing powers of BPC 157, I am going to run 2 cycles of 4 weeks with 2 weeks off in between. 200 mcg to each delt AM and PM.
Hoping to eliminate the pain to some extent and gin back some range of motion.
Week BPC 157
1 800 MCG
2 800 MCG
3 800 MCG
4 800 MCG
5 off
6 off
7 800 MCG
9 800 MCG
10 800 MCG
11 800 MCG