@capitaine1337 the diet changes are a good start for sure especially the oatsWelcome to my Log
2023/09/28 ** Diet update and shoulder day **
Meal 1: 3 eggs, 100g eggs white, 60g of oats, cup of blueberries
Meal 2: 150g of chicken, 1 cup of rice ( on off days I add 150g of veggies )
Meal 3: 1scoop Whey isolate, 60g oats instead of 1 cup of rice ( more convenient in my shake)
Meal 4: 150g of chicken, 200g of sweet potatoes, 150g of green veggies
Meal 5: 1 scoop Whey isolate, 1 avocado ( or 30g of walnuts), apple
Meal 6: 150 of Wild salmon (or extra lean bison), 150g of green veggies, 1/2 cup of rice
Intra-workout (between meal 2 and 3)
2 scoops of Eaa, and 50g carbs from cluster dextrin
omega3,multivitamins, creatine, added probiotic
For now I feel good with this Diet. I know how my body react to this kind of food. I like to feel light when I train, so no veggies preworkout. I feel I dont need fast acting carbs just after training, considering I do have some carbs powder intra workout. So switched to oats. I drink it while im going to work. I used to have some greek yogourt in my diet, but took it off because it made me feel bloated. I added probiotic. thanks for pointing that out. I do have a blend of onions, garlic and ginger root that I mix with my chicken that I forget to mention. Lots of prebiotic in there and I will probably add back kimchi (fermented cabbage Korean style) into my diet. I do feel it's important to take care of my gut ! I might try to play with added figer from psyllium husk to see how I feel.
Shoulders day
Face pull 4 sets to warm up the shoulders
Seated db press: work my way up. 50x 15, 65x12,75x10,80x8
cable lateral raises: 4 sets of 15
front raises: 4sets of 15
Machine seated press: 4 sets of 12
So in june I was pressing 50 for 10. im back up to 80. but I used to do 105's 110's for 10 reps on my heavier set. I dont want to go too fast !
on the shoulders training you did what weights on cable raises and front raises? dont go too fast with pressing btw shoulder injuries