I'd like to see your food intake with this @rizzlekdizzle would be nice to get an understandingRower 5min warm up
Fasted morning workout
Incline barbell bench
50kg/70/95/95 reps 12/10/10/10
Incline Chest press machine
Lvl 55/80/95 reps 10/10/10
High cable flys
Lvl 12.5/17.5/20reps 15/12/10
Biceps -
Hyperext cable curls
Lvl 14/18/27/32 reps 10/10/10/9
High rep db curls
10/12.5/15kg reps 17/14/12
3x half rep and 21 reps DB 12 and 15kg
3km coast walk in sleeveless shirt of course
Last entry for a few weeks - going on holidays!