Back story of the log (original post) for records and to feed your curiosity.
“I'm dealing with a serious problem, and I know some of you have unparalleled knowledge on these issues, so I thought I would come here for advice.
I have used PEDs (AAS, peptides, and sarms) intermittently for about 4 years now. Being a former athlete mainly for the performance effects, recovery, and mental aspects. I had never done long-time cruises until now, just cycles of between 10-14 weeks, and had always run AI’s and a full PCT regime after (clomid nolvadex, HCG coming off). I cannot remember the full cycles in exact detail, but I did do research and followed advice on here fairly strictly.
Anyway, I sustained an injury about a year ago, and got on the test to build my fitness, recovery, and general well-being back up. At the time I was doing 500mg a week for 10 weeks and also added 40mg of anavar for 4 weeks to help with white tissue. I then decided to stay on a light cruise of test, at around 250mg a week. I maintained using an AI during the cruise/TRT (listening to my body) but did not incorporate a SERM. I had my bloods done prior with the results.
I saw a doctor and have a referral to a fertility clinic. At the moment I have 5000iu of HCG on me, about 20x20mg tamoxifen, and a shitload of Exemestane, test and cjc1295, Ipamorelin (not taking it all, just have on hand) I knew I was needing a break for the TRT regime prior to learning about my zero sperm count, but this has thrown a complete spanner in the works. I got the peptides to help retain some athletic performance and recovery coming off the test prior to finding out my complication. I have done a lot of reading, but I am hoping to find some help in understanding the best way to restore my reproductive system. (I have read HCG is no good and HMG is better) It’s a bugger because I absolutely love the benefits from TRT (mental clarity, sex drive, motivation, recovery, etc.) Any advice and insight is appreciated”
Start log
Age: 31
Height: 179cm 5’11”
Weight: 87-88kg
Cycle history:
Test E 250mg Monday Night - Thursday Night
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
GHRP6/MOD-GRF Am: 80mg Pm: 120mg ED
Weeks 7-10
Test E 250mg Monday Night - Thursday Night
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
GHRP6/MOD-GRF Am: 80mg Pm: 120mg ED
HCG 250iu 2xpw
4 weeks PCT Starting 4 days after last Test E Inj
Climid 50/50/25/25 (1050mg)
Nolva 40/40/20/20 (840mg)
HCG 500iu bi weekly
GHRP6/MOD-GRF Am: 80mg Pm: 120mg ED (continuing 3 months)
2nd cycle was the same as the first though 500mg of deca was added and total cycle was 15 weeks, a year later in 2021
3rd cycle was the same as first cycle in 2022.
Generally I eat good, feel good, am in shape and overall health is great, I very rarely feel sick or lethargic etc, mood is pretty stable given everything.
I work remotely and have most food supplied, So a constant and measured diet is not exactly possible. Although I eat healthy, A reminder that I’m not body building, or competing so I’m not on an exact strict diet but it is relatively consistent. I tend to avoid foods like sugars and fast carbs rather than follow a strict diet.
Current diet:
Breakfast: Every day 4 eggs, either a sausage or rasher of bacon. If not granola/museli, green yoghurt and honey.
First lunch: 150-200g shredded chicken with mayonnaise, half an avocado and 125g of brown rice quinoa
Second lunch: two cans of tuna, mayonnaise, 125g brown rice quinoa.
Dinner: varies, but generally a portion of red meat, some low GI Carbs (sweet potato, brown rice) and veggies.
Throughout the day. Two handfuls of either natural walnuts and or almonds. A low sugar museli bar.
An apple and banana, and or an orange before I train.
Remember this varies, but it’s fairly consistently the same.
Fish oil 2000mg
Vitamin E: 1000iu daily
Biotin: 3mg daily
Zinc: 25mg
Glucosamine: 1500mg
Magnesium: as required
Whey protein/creatine:
usually BSC brand, on training days, so generally 5 days a week.
2 days of boxing, generally 1 hour of pad/bag/ drill work followed by 5 rounds of sparring or shoulder tag.
2 or 3 days of strength and conditioning consisting of push/pull/legs and core.
I’m not body building so my exercises are more based on stability, mobility, conditioning. Occasionally I will do 1km swims or another activity. I am generally very active outside of work (motorsports, football etc)
A typical push day.
4x12 30-37.5kg one arm dumbbell press.
4x12 9kgs lateral raises or 4x3minute 1kg lateral holds
4x20 dips
4x12 dumbbell shoulder press
4x14 cable fly, or decline dumbbell fly.
4x16 tricep push down or skull crushers
4x12 machine chest press or 4x14 upright row.
Pull day.
4x14 pull ups
4x14 25kg dumbbell trap raises.
4x14 25-30kg incline dumbbell rows
4x14 lat pull down triangle bar varies weight
4x14 12.5-15kg alternating bicep curls
4x14 rear delt face pull
4x20 wrist extension curls
4x12 80-110kg rear lunges
4x15 ab roll out
4x12 15-20kg single leg RDL
4x20 incline sit ups
4x20 weighted calf raises
4x20 a side, side crunches
Skipping in between each set for 40 seconds
This is dynamics and some exercises are changed between weeks. I.e bench press substituting dumbbell press, Though it typically looks pretty similar. Some sets are supersets
II generally do 14-16 days straight with 7 days off, at 12hrs+ a day. This is the nature of the industry I am in. I work in remote locations, fly in fly out (construction). I have a huge amount of responsibility in my job and it can be quite stressful coupled with the long hours, deadlines and crucial accuracy required in my role. I work for myself so work doesn’t really stop.
Whilst at work I will be lucky to get around 5.5hrs -6.5hrs on average I would say 6hrs sleep a night. I sleep pretty restlessly and wake multiple times a night.
While on break I generally get around 7hrs a night and sleep decently. On the odd occasion I may get 8 or 9 hours. But if I sleep longer than around 7 hours I feel groggy.
The past two points is probably the place that has the most impact on my general wellbeing.
I’m going to log journey to regaining fertility here, if I happen to… so we can all learn from this.
Back story of the log (original post) for records and to feed your curiosity.
“I'm dealing with a serious problem, and I know some of you have unparalleled knowledge on these issues, so I thought I would come here for advice.
I have used PEDs (AAS, peptides, and sarms) intermittently for about 4 years now. Being a former athlete mainly for the performance effects, recovery, and mental aspects. I had never done long-time cruises until now, just cycles of between 10-14 weeks, and had always run AI’s and a full PCT regime after (clomid nolvadex, HCG coming off). I cannot remember the full cycles in exact detail, but I did do research and followed advice on here fairly strictly.
Anyway, I sustained an injury about a year ago, and got on the test to build my fitness, recovery, and general well-being back up. At the time I was doing 500mg a week for 10 weeks and also added 40mg of anavar for 4 weeks to help with white tissue. I then decided to stay on a light cruise of test, at around 250mg a week. I maintained using an AI during the cruise/TRT (listening to my body) but did not incorporate a SERM. I had my bloods done prior with the results.
I saw a doctor and have a referral to a fertility clinic. At the moment I have 5000iu of HCG on me, about 20x20mg tamoxifen, and a shitload of Exemestane, test and cjc1295, Ipamorelin (not taking it all, just have on hand) I knew I was needing a break for the TRT regime prior to learning about my zero sperm count, but this has thrown a complete spanner in the works. I got the peptides to help retain some athletic performance and recovery coming off the test prior to finding out my complication. I have done a lot of reading, but I am hoping to find some help in understanding the best way to restore my reproductive system. (I have read HCG is no good and HMG is better) It’s a bugger because I absolutely love the benefits from TRT (mental clarity, sex drive, motivation, recovery, etc.) Any advice and insight is appreciated”
“I'm dealing with a serious problem, and I know some of you have unparalleled knowledge on these issues, so I thought I would come here for advice.
I have used PEDs (AAS, peptides, and sarms) intermittently for about 4 years now. Being a former athlete mainly for the performance effects, recovery, and mental aspects. I had never done long-time cruises until now, just cycles of between 10-14 weeks, and had always run AI’s and a full PCT regime after (clomid nolvadex, HCG coming off). I cannot remember the full cycles in exact detail, but I did do research and followed advice on here fairly strictly.
Anyway, I sustained an injury about a year ago, and got on the test to build my fitness, recovery, and general well-being back up. At the time I was doing 500mg a week for 10 weeks and also added 40mg of anavar for 4 weeks to help with white tissue. I then decided to stay on a light cruise of test, at around 250mg a week. I maintained using an AI during the cruise/TRT (listening to my body) but did not incorporate a SERM. I had my bloods done prior with the results.
- Test: 32.7 nmol/L
- SHBG: 47 nmol/L
- Free test: 525 pmol/L
- Cortisol: 388 nmol/L
- FSH: 3 IU/L
- LH: 2 IU/L
- Oestradiol: 81 pmol/L
- Progesterone: 1 nmol/L
- Prolactin: 110 mIU/L
- DHEA Sulphate: 8.9 umol/L
- Test: 73.6 nmol/L
- SHBG: 35 nmol/L
- Free test: 2009 pmol/L
- Cortisol: 592 nmol/L
- FSH: < 1 IU/L
- LH: < 1 IU/L
- Oestradiol: 66 pmol/L
- Progesterone: 3 nmol/L
- Prolactin: 340 mIU/L
- DHEA Sulphate: 10.6 umol/L
I saw a doctor and have a referral to a fertility clinic. At the moment I have 5000iu of HCG on me, about 20x20mg tamoxifen, and a shitload of Exemestane, test and cjc1295, Ipamorelin (not taking it all, just have on hand) I knew I was needing a break for the TRT regime prior to learning about my zero sperm count, but this has thrown a complete spanner in the works. I got the peptides to help retain some athletic performance and recovery coming off the test prior to finding out my complication. I have done a lot of reading, but I am hoping to find some help in understanding the best way to restore my reproductive system. (I have read HCG is no good and HMG is better) It’s a bugger because I absolutely love the benefits from TRT (mental clarity, sex drive, motivation, recovery, etc.) Any advice and insight is appreciated”
Start log
Age: 31
Height: 179cm 5’11”
Weight: 87-88kg
Cycle history:
- Test E
Test E 250mg Monday Night - Thursday Night
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
GHRP6/MOD-GRF Am: 80mg Pm: 120mg ED
Weeks 7-10
Test E 250mg Monday Night - Thursday Night
Aromasin 12.5mg EOD
GHRP6/MOD-GRF Am: 80mg Pm: 120mg ED
HCG 250iu 2xpw
4 weeks PCT Starting 4 days after last Test E Inj
Climid 50/50/25/25 (1050mg)
Nolva 40/40/20/20 (840mg)
HCG 500iu bi weekly
GHRP6/MOD-GRF Am: 80mg Pm: 120mg ED (continuing 3 months)
2nd cycle was the same as the first though 500mg of deca was added and total cycle was 15 weeks, a year later in 2021
3rd cycle was the same as first cycle in 2022.
Generally I eat good, feel good, am in shape and overall health is great, I very rarely feel sick or lethargic etc, mood is pretty stable given everything.
I work remotely and have most food supplied, So a constant and measured diet is not exactly possible. Although I eat healthy, A reminder that I’m not body building, or competing so I’m not on an exact strict diet but it is relatively consistent. I tend to avoid foods like sugars and fast carbs rather than follow a strict diet.
Current diet:
Breakfast: Every day 4 eggs, either a sausage or rasher of bacon. If not granola/museli, green yoghurt and honey.
First lunch: 150-200g shredded chicken with mayonnaise, half an avocado and 125g of brown rice quinoa
Second lunch: two cans of tuna, mayonnaise, 125g brown rice quinoa.
Dinner: varies, but generally a portion of red meat, some low GI Carbs (sweet potato, brown rice) and veggies.
Throughout the day. Two handfuls of either natural walnuts and or almonds. A low sugar museli bar.
An apple and banana, and or an orange before I train.
Remember this varies, but it’s fairly consistently the same.
Fish oil 2000mg
Vitamin E: 1000iu daily
Biotin: 3mg daily
Zinc: 25mg
Glucosamine: 1500mg
Magnesium: as required
Whey protein/creatine:
usually BSC brand, on training days, so generally 5 days a week.
2 days of boxing, generally 1 hour of pad/bag/ drill work followed by 5 rounds of sparring or shoulder tag.
2 or 3 days of strength and conditioning consisting of push/pull/legs and core.
I’m not body building so my exercises are more based on stability, mobility, conditioning. Occasionally I will do 1km swims or another activity. I am generally very active outside of work (motorsports, football etc)
A typical push day.
4x12 30-37.5kg one arm dumbbell press.
4x12 9kgs lateral raises or 4x3minute 1kg lateral holds
4x20 dips
4x12 dumbbell shoulder press
4x14 cable fly, or decline dumbbell fly.
4x16 tricep push down or skull crushers
4x12 machine chest press or 4x14 upright row.
Pull day.
4x14 pull ups
4x14 25kg dumbbell trap raises.
4x14 25-30kg incline dumbbell rows
4x14 lat pull down triangle bar varies weight
4x14 12.5-15kg alternating bicep curls
4x14 rear delt face pull
4x20 wrist extension curls
4x12 80-110kg rear lunges
4x15 ab roll out
4x12 15-20kg single leg RDL
4x20 incline sit ups
4x20 weighted calf raises
4x20 a side, side crunches
Skipping in between each set for 40 seconds
This is dynamics and some exercises are changed between weeks. I.e bench press substituting dumbbell press, Though it typically looks pretty similar. Some sets are supersets
II generally do 14-16 days straight with 7 days off, at 12hrs+ a day. This is the nature of the industry I am in. I work in remote locations, fly in fly out (construction). I have a huge amount of responsibility in my job and it can be quite stressful coupled with the long hours, deadlines and crucial accuracy required in my role. I work for myself so work doesn’t really stop.
Whilst at work I will be lucky to get around 5.5hrs -6.5hrs on average I would say 6hrs sleep a night. I sleep pretty restlessly and wake multiple times a night.
While on break I generally get around 7hrs a night and sleep decently. On the odd occasion I may get 8 or 9 hours. But if I sleep longer than around 7 hours I feel groggy.
The past two points is probably the place that has the most impact on my general wellbeing.
I’m going to log journey to regaining fertility here, if I happen to… so we can all learn from this.
Back story of the log (original post) for records and to feed your curiosity.
“I'm dealing with a serious problem, and I know some of you have unparalleled knowledge on these issues, so I thought I would come here for advice.
I have used PEDs (AAS, peptides, and sarms) intermittently for about 4 years now. Being a former athlete mainly for the performance effects, recovery, and mental aspects. I had never done long-time cruises until now, just cycles of between 10-14 weeks, and had always run AI’s and a full PCT regime after (clomid nolvadex, HCG coming off). I cannot remember the full cycles in exact detail, but I did do research and followed advice on here fairly strictly.
Anyway, I sustained an injury about a year ago, and got on the test to build my fitness, recovery, and general well-being back up. At the time I was doing 500mg a week for 10 weeks and also added 40mg of anavar for 4 weeks to help with white tissue. I then decided to stay on a light cruise of test, at around 250mg a week. I maintained using an AI during the cruise/TRT (listening to my body) but did not incorporate a SERM. I had my bloods done prior with the results.
- Test: 32.7 nmol/L
- SHBG: 47 nmol/L
- Free test: 525 pmol/L
- Cortisol: 388 nmol/L
- FSH: 3 IU/L
- LH: 2 IU/L
- Oestradiol: 81 pmol/L
- Progesterone: 1 nmol/L
- Prolactin: 110 mIU/L
- DHEA Sulphate: 8.9 umol/L
- Test: 73.6 nmol/L
- SHBG: 35 nmol/L
- Free test: 2009 pmol/L
- Cortisol: 592 nmol/L
- FSH: < 1 IU/L
- LH: < 1 IU/L
- Oestradiol: 66 pmol/L
- Progesterone: 3 nmol/L
- Prolactin: 340 mIU/L
- DHEA Sulphate: 10.6 umol/L
I saw a doctor and have a referral to a fertility clinic. At the moment I have 5000iu of HCG on me, about 20x20mg tamoxifen, and a shitload of Exemestane, test and cjc1295, Ipamorelin (not taking it all, just have on hand) I knew I was needing a break for the TRT regime prior to learning about my zero sperm count, but this has thrown a complete spanner in the works. I got the peptides to help retain some athletic performance and recovery coming off the test prior to finding out my complication. I have done a lot of reading, but I am hoping to find some help in understanding the best way to restore my reproductive system. (I have read HCG is no good and HMG is better) It’s a bugger because I absolutely love the benefits from TRT (mental clarity, sex drive, motivation, recovery, etc.) Any advice and insight is appreciated”