This log will display my last and final BB competition/cut from 10/01/2024 to show date 11/08/2024.
Starting weight was 230lbs.
Stage weight was 194lbs
Starting macros 200carb/6
Chicken breast, brown rice, almonds.
Food remained the same until 1 week out.
All rice was replaced by rice cakes.
Extra fat sources were cut out. Just chicken breast. That's it.
Almost evetrything is from @pur-pharma-canada
I have had excellent results. Especially with the lack of fillers in the orals. It's been wonderful on my stomach.
@pur-pharma-canada Also has been the best customer service I have ever received. By a wide margin. God bless you guys. I could not have accomplished this without your help and services.
Cycle will be as follows:
400mg/wk. Primo
350mg/wk. Mast A
200mg/wk. Mast E
150mg/ wk. Bolic 75 (25mg Primo Ace, 25mg Var, 25mg Win)
350mg/ wk. Proviron
25mcg/ day. Clen (increase 25mcg every week until I can't tolerate it)
3 doses/ day. ECA
4iu pharma HGH before bed
Liver Supp.
Cardio: 30 mins stairs
5-1 week out: bike 20 mins steady
Everything was a slight blurry. I've been tunnel vision for so long because I had to this by myself and my mentor was too busy to have the luxury of coaching.
Training was very intuitive. No set program in place. We are not going to build anything during this time so the focus is on stimulating, retaining and burning.
I went in doing whatever I felt like working out and made sure to get a productive training session when I feel I hit them hard enough but not too hard.
Main focus was to nail cardio everytime and do as much of it as necessary. Goal was to come in as shredded as possible.
At around 6 weeks out had to reduce cardio intensity because legs were holding water and that's not normal for me.
As soon as cardio was reduced legs started to get dry and peeled really quickly.
I personally feel near the end I over dieted and I should've eaten more to retain better shape over deeper cuts but I just wanted to be grainy on stage.
Blew I will attach some photos in chronological order up to stage shots.
I wish I could've had thr energy or a partner to help me progress better but I was 110% dialed in and had nothing left for anything else.
Starting weight was 230lbs.
Stage weight was 194lbs
Starting macros 200carb/6
Chicken breast, brown rice, almonds.
Food remained the same until 1 week out.
All rice was replaced by rice cakes.
Extra fat sources were cut out. Just chicken breast. That's it.
Almost evetrything is from @pur-pharma-canada
I have had excellent results. Especially with the lack of fillers in the orals. It's been wonderful on my stomach.
@pur-pharma-canada Also has been the best customer service I have ever received. By a wide margin. God bless you guys. I could not have accomplished this without your help and services.
Cycle will be as follows:
400mg/wk. Primo
350mg/wk. Mast A
200mg/wk. Mast E
150mg/ wk. Bolic 75 (25mg Primo Ace, 25mg Var, 25mg Win)
350mg/ wk. Proviron
25mcg/ day. Clen (increase 25mcg every week until I can't tolerate it)
3 doses/ day. ECA
4iu pharma HGH before bed
Liver Supp.
Cardio: 30 mins stairs
5-1 week out: bike 20 mins steady
Everything was a slight blurry. I've been tunnel vision for so long because I had to this by myself and my mentor was too busy to have the luxury of coaching.
Training was very intuitive. No set program in place. We are not going to build anything during this time so the focus is on stimulating, retaining and burning.
I went in doing whatever I felt like working out and made sure to get a productive training session when I feel I hit them hard enough but not too hard.
Main focus was to nail cardio everytime and do as much of it as necessary. Goal was to come in as shredded as possible.
At around 6 weeks out had to reduce cardio intensity because legs were holding water and that's not normal for me.
As soon as cardio was reduced legs started to get dry and peeled really quickly.
I personally feel near the end I over dieted and I should've eaten more to retain better shape over deeper cuts but I just wanted to be grainy on stage.
Blew I will attach some photos in chronological order up to stage shots.
I wish I could've had thr energy or a partner to help me progress better but I was 110% dialed in and had nothing left for anything else.
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