Looking at the 3 x weekly, that’s not going to change anything for E2 most likely another injection at that frequency will increase E2. E2 is responsive to test pending genetics response, but there is always a up with test going up two, we can agree on that.
Even with 20% at best let’s say, imagine then when you stack with primo/mast.. another 20-30%. Like you said previously. They all add up to modulate E2 without a AI + the anabolic benefit is there. I like to think more outside the square I think. MPMD theorised it ? It’s 100% not gospel. However I see the value in daily injections IF, the person is inclined and willing to administer ED. majority of the population will be EOD max. Compliance is an issue, that’s why they give people long estered T as TRT to mitigate injections, the low dose TRT won’t even warrant a use of a AI in most individuals. However I don’t think this is optimal, there’s a fair bit of research gone into ED injections and it looks and anecdotally is more promising then split biweekly or 3x. Long esters you can definitely get away with it, but shorter like E and prop, there will be fluctuations. Response to this is raising E2 by the body to compensate. Sometimes even progesterone.
I don’t think your being pushy, I think your being diligent with it and trying to find the best solution for the problem. I just think AIs aren’t great and I wouldn’t want a client on mine on a AI if we can mitigate with the above. Again not for the majority I will admit. AIs are just so shit bro.. seriously bad on lipids and cholesterol, rebounds can be bad as well leading to more issues after cycle. Some people do need it though I agree. But majority we can mitigate without the use of a AI.. what do you think? If you were in a position where a client comes to you and says
@Eddie Haskell i want to run a cycle with no AI, what would you do? Serious question, just more to think outside of the general confines.
Yes I like discussing these things with you, every time you tag me I have their “here we go” moment

nothing but respect