Hey everyone, I just began TRT for the first time last week under MD supervision. I had posted an introduction post and was urged the importance of creating a log. So here is my first log of my first TRT cycle!
I am 36 y/o male, 5'6, 185 lbs., ~18% bf. Lifting 10+ years but did take an extensive break last year due to work/moving.
Initial labs:

Testesterone: 527 ng/dl (MD states overall goal is to get it above 800 ng/dl)
TRT protocol:
Week 01-10: Testesterone cyp-Anastrozole 200mg/1mg/1ml IM, once weekly
Week 11-13: Gonadotropin 50 iu SQ, twice weekly
Week 14-21: Completely off everything (8 week rest)
*Donate Whole Red Blood cells, 1 unit, every 8 weeks.
DIET: ~2250 kcal/daily + 5g creatine daily


*Days vary depending on work, but last week I worked out W,TH,F,SAT. So I'm off until tomorrow probably.
*Exercises in same shade of grey are supersets, rest periods between sets to the left, 5m rest between exercises/supersets
- 10 min post workout treadmill walk
- Daily 1 hour minimum dog walk
- My job can be very active too (at times reaching 25k steps/day for reference)
- Thai deep tissue massage once a week (its seriously amazing)
- Foam rolling and stretching as needed
I am currently on week 2 of my TRT, and will be injecting tonight at 1800. I can't guarantee I'd be able to post every single day, but I will try my best!
Also, if there is anything else anyone feels I should add/mention please do let me know. Thank you all.
I am 36 y/o male, 5'6, 185 lbs., ~18% bf. Lifting 10+ years but did take an extensive break last year due to work/moving.
Initial labs:

Testesterone: 527 ng/dl (MD states overall goal is to get it above 800 ng/dl)
TRT protocol:
Week 01-10: Testesterone cyp-Anastrozole 200mg/1mg/1ml IM, once weekly
Week 11-13: Gonadotropin 50 iu SQ, twice weekly
Week 14-21: Completely off everything (8 week rest)
*Donate Whole Red Blood cells, 1 unit, every 8 weeks.
DIET: ~2250 kcal/daily + 5g creatine daily


*Days vary depending on work, but last week I worked out W,TH,F,SAT. So I'm off until tomorrow probably.
*Exercises in same shade of grey are supersets, rest periods between sets to the left, 5m rest between exercises/supersets
- 10 min post workout treadmill walk
- Daily 1 hour minimum dog walk
- My job can be very active too (at times reaching 25k steps/day for reference)
- Thai deep tissue massage once a week (its seriously amazing)
- Foam rolling and stretching as needed
I am currently on week 2 of my TRT, and will be injecting tonight at 1800. I can't guarantee I'd be able to post every single day, but I will try my best!
Also, if there is anything else anyone feels I should add/mention please do let me know. Thank you all.