TRT is test c or e 50 mg every 3 days. i prefer subq to im shots. why? they dont hurt as bad and you dont run the risk of an oil embolism. id start there and titrate up if necessary based on bloods. anti-estrogen is so person dependent. most wouldnt need it on that low a dose but some actually do and im one of those. shouldnt have to donate blood. to me thats totally unecessary unless on equipoise or a boatload of gear. good luck.
The doc has me on test cyp infused with anastrozole 200mg/1mg/1ml/week. Long term tho i plan to self administer, so ill keep the subq in mind.
Sub Q is effective for TRT if you're lean some guys heavier they can't do sub q bro.
- - - Updated - - -
Good so far, tell us your dinner when you get back on.
2 waffles? is that with almond flour or just regular?
lunch missing fats, add 5 walnuts to lunch and 5 almonds
See this is why a LOG is a must we can help you make the small changes for success. We are here for you bro.
The waffles are frozen eggo buttermilk (carb 28g, protein 4g, fat 6g = 180 cal), not the healthiest so ill start buying kodiak cakes after i finish this eggo box. Will also help increase my daily protein also.
Ill pickup some almonds and walnuts tomorrow too.
Dinner: 6 oz ground beef (90/10), 2 cups frozen veggies (no rice because after getting off work at 2pm, I was so exhausted and crashed. Woke up super hungry ended up eating about 3 servings of flamin hot fritos while heating up dinner lol).
And yes, i agree on the logging, thank you. Idk if its cuz im just tired or what, but i got a bit emotional reading your support lol. I appreciate it a lot.

Will hit shoulders/back tomorrow!