So today I had a farmer's wrap breakfast ; bacon eggs and a hash brown with cheese on a wrap, 3 coffees, and 2 meal replacements (52 carbs 20 protein 20 fat) 477 cal each drink , weighing 193 at the moment, started incorporating T400, and Anadrol with my EQUITEST cycle I was doing (500 EQ, 500 test e, 1mg arimidex evod) now I'm just trying to drag out the EQ as long as I can, because long term EQ is always better. So this week it's been 1100 Test, 600 EQ, 10 MG DBOL
(NOW 20 MG ANADROL), AND JUST floating into my bulk stack which is T400, Deca and Anadrol. Diet I'm trying to eat clean at the same time bulking so anything goes really.. I have attached today's workout. Over 4000 steps to get back and forth from gym. And 10 min on elliptical until I was drenched and for chest I started with Chest dumbbell presses and worked my way up to 75s in each arm it's my first days back so I'm starting light and easy , then I did 5 sets of 8-20 reps of Fla dumbbell flyers, machine chest press, PEC deck and cable crossovers. So I guess my videos are to big to post, is it just short clips only? Thanks.