Planned Cycle: 500mg Test + Anavar
Your Information:
I'm not following a diet or meal plan as of yet but here is my breakdown of planned calories and macros
I've ran a 500mg test cyp cycle for 8 weeks before to see how it reacted. I didn't really know what I was doing and I didn't do any PCT. Saw decent gains by around week 4
This was me about a month ago - I haven't gone to gym since so maybe factor in 1 month of flabbiness (haven't gained or lost any major weight besides water weight)
Your Information:
- Age: 25
- Height: 183cm
- Weight: 98kg
- Body Fat % (estimated): 20-25%?
- Training Experience (in years): 3-4 years on/off
- Briefly describe your current workout routine, including frequency/reps, types of exercises, and weight for each exercise.
I follow a Back-Bi/Chest-Tri/Legs+Core split
3 Days on 1 Day off
Back-Bi - Reverse Pec Dec - 3-4 Sets of 12
- Cable Face Pulls - 3-4 sets of 12
- Lat Pulldowns - 3-4 sets of 12
- Seated Row - 3-4 Sets of 12
- Kneeling Single Arm Lat Pulldown (Cable) - 3-4 sets of 12
- Bicep Machine (Not Preacher Maybe Inline Bicep Curl?) - 3-4 sets of 12
- Preacher Curls - 3-4 sets of 12
- Hammer Curls - 3-4 sets of 12
- 21's - 3 sets this is my burnout set
Chest-Tri - Pec Dec Flys - 3-4 sets of 12
- Cable Crossovers - 3-4 sets of 12
- Dip Machine - As much as I can do
- Dumbell Bench Press - 3-4 sets of 12
- Incline Dumbell Press - 3-4 sets of 12
- Incline Cable Fly - 3-4 sets of 12
- Cable Tricep Extensions - 3-4 sets of 12
- Overhead Dumbell Tricep Extensions - 3-4 sets of 12
- Cable Tricep Kickback - 3-4 sets of 12
- SkullCrushers - 3-4 sets of 12
Shoulders + Core - Cable Face Pull - 3-4 Sets of 12
- Cable Rear Delt Fly - 3-4 sets of 12
- Cable Lateral Raises - 3-4 sets of 12
- Dumbell Shoulder Press - 3-4 sets of 12
- Machine Lateral Raises - 3-4 sets of 12
- Seated Crunch Machine - 3-4 sets of 12
- Plank - 3 sets of however long I can hold it
- Leg Raises - 2x 2 minutes
I'm not following a diet or meal plan as of yet but here is my breakdown of planned calories and macros
- Daily Caloric Intake: 2,000
- Macronutrient Split:
- Protein: 192grams
- Fats: 85
- Carbs: 95
- Creatine
- Mega B Complex + Vitamind D3 (Not sure if this is what's right to put here?)
- Inc 100% Dynamic Whey Protein Powder
- Recent Blood Work: No
- Do you plan to do Pre, Mid and Post blood test during your cycle
- Yes just not sure what I need to get?
- Do you plan to do Pre, Mid and Post blood test during your cycle
- Cycle Goals: Cut down Bodyfat and Gain Lean Muscle Mass?
- Compounds Planned for Use: Test E + Anavar
- Dosage and Frequency: 500mg Test E - Not Sure on Anavar?
- Cycle Length: 12 weeks
- Post Cycle Therapy (if applicable): Not sure what I need here?
I've ran a 500mg test cyp cycle for 8 weeks before to see how it reacted. I didn't really know what I was doing and I didn't do any PCT. Saw decent gains by around week 4
This was me about a month ago - I haven't gone to gym since so maybe factor in 1 month of flabbiness (haven't gained or lost any major weight besides water weight)