I’m thrilled to start my 20-week steroid cycle, and I want to give a special shoutout to @HybridLabs and @Core Pharma for sponsoring this journey (2 trusted and reputable labs supplying the Australian domestic market). Before this cycle, I was already a happy customer of Hybrid Labs, having used their Testosterone E & Masteron E in previous protocols. The quality of their products was so impressive that when I decided to take my training to the next level, reaching out to them for sponsorship was a no-brainer. My personal experience with their compounds has been nothing short of top-notch, so I knew I could expect fantastic results from the rest of their range as well. I’m equally excited to work with Core Pharma, who have generously provided their highly regarded and tested HGH for this cycle.
About Me:
- Age: Early 30s
- Weight: 80kg
- Height: 182cm
- Training Experience: Intermediate, with ~12 years of natural strength training off and on based on my health at the time.
- Cycle History: I began doctor-prescribed TRT 4 years ago due to primary hypogonadism. The highest dose I’ve run to date was 350mg Test E and 40mg Anavar last summer. I also did a 6-week cruise of 250mg of Test E and 200mg of Mast E in June-July this year. But the majority of my time since starting TRT has been around 250mg Test E per week (limited by how much I was being prescribed).
- Injury & Health: I sustained a traumatic spinal cord injury (SCI) as a teenager, resulting in paralysis (paraplegia) from my mid-abdominals down. I also manage sleep apnea with a CPAP machine and consistently get 6-8 hours of sleep every night. Otherwise, my health is very good. I do regular blood tests and imaging of my organs as part of my usual monitoring (even before using steroids). The heart, liver, and kidneys are all doing great! Here's a recent X-ray of the metal work in my spine (always goes off at the airport security scanner too
My Goals:
- Lean down more and put on some decent muscle on my upper body. Would like to develop my biceps in particular. I think 3-5kg of lean tissue accrual overall would be very noticeable.
Daily Supplementation:
- Telmisartan: 60mg (keeps my BP @ 125/80).
- Cialis: 5mg
- Multivitamin: Thorne Basic Nutrients
- NAC: 1g
- TUDCA: 250mg
- Ubiquinol: 150mg
- Fish Oil: 4g
- Taurine: 1g
- Vitamin D3: 4000 IU
- Magnesium Bicglycinate: 600mg nightly
- Melatonin: 3-5mg nightly
Cycle Breakdown
Week 1-4: Setting the Foundation- Testosterone Enanthate: 525mg weekly (split into 0.3ml daily injections)
- Primobolan Enanthate: 420mg weekly (split into 0.3ml daily injections)
- Anavar: 20mg pre-workout, taken sublingually
- HGH: 3-5 IU nightly
Week 5-14: Experimenting with NPP
- Continue with the same dosages of Testosterone Enanthate, Primobolan Enanthate, Anavar, and HGH.
- NPP: start with 105mg weekly (split into 0.15ml daily injections)
Week 15-20: Trenbolone for the Final Push
- Maintain Testosterone Enanthate, Primobolan Enanthate, Anavar, and HGH.
- Trenbolone Acetate: Start with 10mg per day, increasing based on tolerance.
- Anavar: Increase to 40mg pre-workout, taken sublingually
Training Routine (doesn't train legs
My training split is focused on upper-body development due to paralysis from the mid-abdominals down. I've been in the gym long enough to hone in on my exercise selection and the rep ranges and volume that my body responds to best. Here’s how I’m structuring my workouts for each phase of the cycle:Block 1 (5 weeks):
- Daily Morning Fasted Cardio: 20 minutes
- Day 1: Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders
- Day 2: Back, Chest, Forearms
- Day 3: Biceps, Triceps, Shoulders
- Rest Day
My calorie requirements for maintenance are a bit different. Guidelines suggest that persons with SCI have reduced metabolic activity due to denervated muscle in muy lower limbs and therefore need fewer calories than non-paralyzed individuals. So for someone like myself, it works out to be around ~30 calories per kg of body weight. So on the upper limit, 2400 calories are just for maintenance (pretty easy to hit on my appetite). I aim for 175-200g of daily protein intake but don't strictly track calories yet. Kinda eyeball them and stick to a very predictable daily diet which is generally low fat and fill the rest with a variety of carb sources. I've also included a post-workout shake this time round. Anyway, I'll be sharing photos of what I eat to illustrate what mean. Open to feedback of course 
Credit to my Sponsors
I want to sincerely thank Hybrid Labs for their support and quality products. As I already had their Testosterone Enanthate on hand, they generously supplied me with 2 vials of Primobolan, 1 vial of NPP, 1 vial of Trenbolone Acetate and 2 lots of Anavar to get me started. I’m excited to see what this cycle can bring. FYI, I am 5 days into this cycle.A special thanks to Core Pharma for supplying HGH, which will be crucial for my recovery, fat loss and maximizing gains! (arriving on Monday)