Current stats:
33 years old
5'10" (1,78m)
155 lb (70.2 kg, currently cutting to 7-8%)
11% BF
Bloodwork: Test = 508 ng/dl. Other values are healthy
I am not planning to compete. I just love the bodybuilding lifestyle and the time being in the gym surrounded by like-minded people.
I have a job in administration and sit 90% of my time. Trying to maintain 7 500 - 10 000 steps a day.
I have been training consistently for 2,5 years with proper nutrition, sleep, training, lifestyle, ... and to be honest the progress I made is peanuts after a cut. I do look way better than 2,5 years ago but it doesn't match the time invested.
Been training naturally for about 5 years with some on and off periods. The last 2,5 years I am training consistently 5 x per week. I train hypertrophy with some weeks to failure and deload weeks sprinkled in (John meadows style of training)
Since 2022 I am working with an experienced coach for nutrition and training. Check-in online every 7-10 days.
I don't drink alcohol. I only drink water. I really love water. Maybe a zero coca-cola once a month.
Bulk = 3800-4000 kcal. Currently I am cutting and alternating between 2 low (2500), 1 high (2750) day with 4 x per week 35min fasted cardio @135HR
Low-high day
Meal 1: 40-60gr oat meal, 30gr whey isolate, berries, 15gr peanut butter
Meal 2: 1 wrap, 100gr chicken breast, lettuce, 15gr peanut butter
Meal 3: 40-60gr rice/pasta, 200gr beef/chicken breast, veggies
Meal 4: 40-60gr oat meal/cor, 30gr whey isolate, banana, 15gr peanut butter
Meal 5: 80gr kellogg's coco pops, 30gr whey isolate (post) (no meal 5 on rest days)
Meal 6: 350gr low fat zero sugar yoghurt/soft cheese, apple (+ 40gr low sugar Quaker muesli on high day)
Pre/Intra workout: creatine 5g, Citruline 5g, Beta 5g, 30g dextrose
During the day: 3g omega 3, 5000UE vitamine D, 1g vitamine C, 400mg magnesium citrate
I train in the morning before I go to work. I sleep around 6-7 hours. In the weekends and on rest days sleep is about 7-8 hours
I have no experience with steroids. I did try cardarine + RAD150 combo from january until april 2024 but I didn't notice a difference and my liver values weren't that great after 14 weeks.
What am I looking for?
1) A little edge to build more muscle mass. Sadly, I only look muscular when flexed.
2) Move heavier weights. I have been stuck for about a year now on the weights I can push on my working sets. For example I have never been able to push dumbells heavier than 65 lb (30kg) on my last set of DB flat chest press or incline DB press. If I try the 70-75 lbs DB range (32-34kg) on my last set, I can only do 1-3 reps.
3) I am not going to compete so I don't want to go all-in on health issues and side effects. 75-80kg at the end of a cut is my main goal. Last cut I had to drop my body weight until 64 kg to be at 7-8% BF.. (skinny bitch)
What would you recommend for a first cycle?
1) Should I try an oral first, for example anavar or wont that give me the muscle building and a little strength increase?
2) I am reading a lot of (heavy) acne problems on the body when going test only for a first cycle. Is this because the dose is too high? I haven't had any acne for 15 years as a natural.
3) Can I replace n2Guard with other supplements like magnesium, zinc etc? I am not able to find a source online that does delivery in The Netherlands.
4) About Aromasin. Some UGL sell it with their company name on it. Is it as safe as the one from Pfizer? Doctor's are not allowed to give prescription for any drug in The Netherlands without a cause. So I am not able to get the one from Pfizer probably
33 years old
5'10" (1,78m)
155 lb (70.2 kg, currently cutting to 7-8%)
11% BF
Bloodwork: Test = 508 ng/dl. Other values are healthy
I am not planning to compete. I just love the bodybuilding lifestyle and the time being in the gym surrounded by like-minded people.
I have a job in administration and sit 90% of my time. Trying to maintain 7 500 - 10 000 steps a day.
I have been training consistently for 2,5 years with proper nutrition, sleep, training, lifestyle, ... and to be honest the progress I made is peanuts after a cut. I do look way better than 2,5 years ago but it doesn't match the time invested.
Been training naturally for about 5 years with some on and off periods. The last 2,5 years I am training consistently 5 x per week. I train hypertrophy with some weeks to failure and deload weeks sprinkled in (John meadows style of training)
Since 2022 I am working with an experienced coach for nutrition and training. Check-in online every 7-10 days.
I don't drink alcohol. I only drink water. I really love water. Maybe a zero coca-cola once a month.
Bulk = 3800-4000 kcal. Currently I am cutting and alternating between 2 low (2500), 1 high (2750) day with 4 x per week 35min fasted cardio @135HR
Low-high day
Meal 1: 40-60gr oat meal, 30gr whey isolate, berries, 15gr peanut butter
Meal 2: 1 wrap, 100gr chicken breast, lettuce, 15gr peanut butter
Meal 3: 40-60gr rice/pasta, 200gr beef/chicken breast, veggies
Meal 4: 40-60gr oat meal/cor, 30gr whey isolate, banana, 15gr peanut butter
Meal 5: 80gr kellogg's coco pops, 30gr whey isolate (post) (no meal 5 on rest days)
Meal 6: 350gr low fat zero sugar yoghurt/soft cheese, apple (+ 40gr low sugar Quaker muesli on high day)
Pre/Intra workout: creatine 5g, Citruline 5g, Beta 5g, 30g dextrose
During the day: 3g omega 3, 5000UE vitamine D, 1g vitamine C, 400mg magnesium citrate
I train in the morning before I go to work. I sleep around 6-7 hours. In the weekends and on rest days sleep is about 7-8 hours
I have no experience with steroids. I did try cardarine + RAD150 combo from january until april 2024 but I didn't notice a difference and my liver values weren't that great after 14 weeks.
What am I looking for?
1) A little edge to build more muscle mass. Sadly, I only look muscular when flexed.
2) Move heavier weights. I have been stuck for about a year now on the weights I can push on my working sets. For example I have never been able to push dumbells heavier than 65 lb (30kg) on my last set of DB flat chest press or incline DB press. If I try the 70-75 lbs DB range (32-34kg) on my last set, I can only do 1-3 reps.
3) I am not going to compete so I don't want to go all-in on health issues and side effects. 75-80kg at the end of a cut is my main goal. Last cut I had to drop my body weight until 64 kg to be at 7-8% BF.. (skinny bitch)
What would you recommend for a first cycle?
1) Should I try an oral first, for example anavar or wont that give me the muscle building and a little strength increase?
2) I am reading a lot of (heavy) acne problems on the body when going test only for a first cycle. Is this because the dose is too high? I haven't had any acne for 15 years as a natural.
3) Can I replace n2Guard with other supplements like magnesium, zinc etc? I am not able to find a source online that does delivery in The Netherlands.
4) About Aromasin. Some UGL sell it with their company name on it. Is it as safe as the one from Pfizer? Doctor's are not allowed to give prescription for any drug in The Netherlands without a cause. So I am not able to get the one from Pfizer probably