Hey everyone
This is my pre-cycle training log as requested.
35 yo, 6', 200lbs (91kg), weight training for about 10 years on an off.
Cycle History:
First cycle:
Dbol many years ago. Not too sure of dosages if I’m brutally honest. Was a buddy of mine who controlled it but I took 6 tabs a day for 8 weeks
Second cycle:
Test. Took 1ml every other day. Again, was a buddy who controlled it. Didn’t really control my PCT though so ended up with a little Gyno
had a gap of a few years where i had kids but been back serious weight training for a year or so.
Done 3 x anavar only cycles. 50mg per day for 8 weeks followed by 4 weeks of Tamoxifan.
Current Supplements:
Creatine 5mg everyday
Caffeine tablets (400mg)
My protein Pump
I’ve done many different splits over the last year. I started with: Chest/Back, Shoulders/Arm, Legs. This was quite high volume with as many as 16 sets per muscle group per session. Got some big gains very quickly, but found I was getting niggles all the time
I then switched to a PPL split, but didn’t really like it tbh
Currently doing Chest, Back, Arms, Legs. 8-10 sets per muscle group with all sets to failure. I’ll do 1/2 big exercises e.g. presses, deadlifts etc
Then 1/2 accessory movements e.g. flys, extensions etc
Feel it’s been working and my PRs have been increasing.
I’d say my diet is quite good
Current macros are 2500-3000 calories
40/30/30 carbs protein fat
I sleep 7-8 hours a day, and I’m awake at 0700 every morning for work.
Can’t train in the morning as I struggle to do anything before I eat
if you need anymore information please ask
I’m mainly wondering what my next step could be
I don’t wanna keep running anavar. I don’t know whether to step up and do a test e cycle, or go big n do the Rohm 2ttm (Tren, test, dros)
Thanks in advance
This is my pre-cycle training log as requested.
35 yo, 6', 200lbs (91kg), weight training for about 10 years on an off.
Cycle History:
First cycle:
Dbol many years ago. Not too sure of dosages if I’m brutally honest. Was a buddy of mine who controlled it but I took 6 tabs a day for 8 weeks
Second cycle:
Test. Took 1ml every other day. Again, was a buddy who controlled it. Didn’t really control my PCT though so ended up with a little Gyno
had a gap of a few years where i had kids but been back serious weight training for a year or so.
Done 3 x anavar only cycles. 50mg per day for 8 weeks followed by 4 weeks of Tamoxifan.
Current Supplements:
Creatine 5mg everyday
Caffeine tablets (400mg)
My protein Pump
I’ve done many different splits over the last year. I started with: Chest/Back, Shoulders/Arm, Legs. This was quite high volume with as many as 16 sets per muscle group per session. Got some big gains very quickly, but found I was getting niggles all the time
I then switched to a PPL split, but didn’t really like it tbh
Currently doing Chest, Back, Arms, Legs. 8-10 sets per muscle group with all sets to failure. I’ll do 1/2 big exercises e.g. presses, deadlifts etc
Then 1/2 accessory movements e.g. flys, extensions etc
Feel it’s been working and my PRs have been increasing.
I’d say my diet is quite good
Current macros are 2500-3000 calories
40/30/30 carbs protein fat
I sleep 7-8 hours a day, and I’m awake at 0700 every morning for work.
Can’t train in the morning as I struggle to do anything before I eat
if you need anymore information please ask
I’m mainly wondering what my next step could be
I don’t wanna keep running anavar. I don’t know whether to step up and do a test e cycle, or go big n do the Rohm 2ttm (Tren, test, dros)
Thanks in advance