Hey guys n' gals!.
Just joined the forum. Figured I'd make a log to interact with the community,and get some knowledge from you all. I'd like to note,I have previous experience with SARMS. OSTARINE + RAD - 140, MK -677. no other PED use as of yet.
Age - 39
Height - 5'8"
Weight - 192lbs (185lbs, 1 month ago @ start of mk).
I had a comprehensive metabolic panel taken mid 2024. All my markers were in range.
.........I know I'll get flamed,but I've never had my testosterone checked. I know I need to,and will after this cycle. I have no signs of low test,but I know that doesn't matter. However,sex drive is very high,morning wood everyday,fairly large semen volume,energy for days.
I test my glucose twice weekly.
Fasted has been in the 80's.
After a meal with carbs,around 100.
Mk-677,12-16wks @ 15mg,dosed in AM. (started one month ago)
LGD - 4033,8 wks @ 5mg dosed in AM.(started 6 days ago).
PRE-WORKOUT.(Taken 7 days a week)
my own mix of l - citrulline, glycerol powder,creatine,and tadadafil (5mg,mon-fri)
PCT - enclomiphine,Also have tamoxifen on hand. Unsure of when to implement enclomiphine,either 2nd, 4th WK or 8th WK. What's are your takes?. My first time using it.
fish oil
Milk thistle
Berberine (for mk-677).
Cissus quadrangularis
Melatonin(for sleep).
i do a 5 day a week push/pull/legs routine focused on hypotrophy. Lots of drops sets,and I tend to train to failure,more often than I should,lol. Saturday I train forearms and neck at home.
I eat roughly 4k calories a day,which is 500 calories above maintenance. Absolutely no sugar,and very limited processed carbs (2 pieces of whole wheat bread a day. I love my sandwich es).mainly rice,veggies,fruit,potatoes,rice cakes,peanut butter, cheese,yogurt,ECT.
my cardio is handled at work. I average 5-10 miles of brisk walking at work. Sometimes with a backpack blower on my back. A lot of stairs climbed,ECT. On the weekends I go for a 3 mile hike,rain or shine...I don't necessarily need to walk even half that much,but it's paid cardio,and makes me look like a workaholic,lmao.
I may be missing some info,but I'd like to get this up without not picking,too much. Plus,it leaves room for engagement!.
Cheers,and thanks in advance
Just joined the forum. Figured I'd make a log to interact with the community,and get some knowledge from you all. I'd like to note,I have previous experience with SARMS. OSTARINE + RAD - 140, MK -677. no other PED use as of yet.
Age - 39
Height - 5'8"
Weight - 192lbs (185lbs, 1 month ago @ start of mk).
I had a comprehensive metabolic panel taken mid 2024. All my markers were in range.
.........I know I'll get flamed,but I've never had my testosterone checked. I know I need to,and will after this cycle. I have no signs of low test,but I know that doesn't matter. However,sex drive is very high,morning wood everyday,fairly large semen volume,energy for days.
I test my glucose twice weekly.
Fasted has been in the 80's.
After a meal with carbs,around 100.
Mk-677,12-16wks @ 15mg,dosed in AM. (started one month ago)
LGD - 4033,8 wks @ 5mg dosed in AM.(started 6 days ago).
PRE-WORKOUT.(Taken 7 days a week)
my own mix of l - citrulline, glycerol powder,creatine,and tadadafil (5mg,mon-fri)
PCT - enclomiphine,Also have tamoxifen on hand. Unsure of when to implement enclomiphine,either 2nd, 4th WK or 8th WK. What's are your takes?. My first time using it.
fish oil
Milk thistle
Berberine (for mk-677).
Cissus quadrangularis
Melatonin(for sleep).
i do a 5 day a week push/pull/legs routine focused on hypotrophy. Lots of drops sets,and I tend to train to failure,more often than I should,lol. Saturday I train forearms and neck at home.
I eat roughly 4k calories a day,which is 500 calories above maintenance. Absolutely no sugar,and very limited processed carbs (2 pieces of whole wheat bread a day. I love my sandwich es).mainly rice,veggies,fruit,potatoes,rice cakes,peanut butter, cheese,yogurt,ECT.
my cardio is handled at work. I average 5-10 miles of brisk walking at work. Sometimes with a backpack blower on my back. A lot of stairs climbed,ECT. On the weekends I go for a 3 mile hike,rain or shine...I don't necessarily need to walk even half that much,but it's paid cardio,and makes me look like a workaholic,lmao.
I may be missing some info,but I'd like to get this up without not picking,too much. Plus,it leaves room for engagement!.
Cheers,and thanks in advance