Hi people
Here is my log to hopefully repair my shoulder injury
I have a supraspinatus tendon tear medium tear according to the ultra sound.
And doctors advise.
I am 56, fit 6’3 and around the 120kg’s I’ve have been training for almost 40 yrs..
so I started using TB 500 ( 10mg per week) cjc 1295 for last 2 weeks and it’s seems to be helping a little with the movement and less pain in RH shoulder. But have now stopped cjc1295 and now using nexnos HGh 3-5 iu per day.. I’m going to to continue with hgh for next several months or longer and continue with TB 500 for another 4-6 weeks..
I have all Sarms available at home 677, 2866, s23 etc as get Raws from mate in USA . So can add what like but just looking for some advise as my doctor likes to put his hands over his ears when I discuss anything not legal

My diet I will need to update. As don’t keep tabs as I have a high metabolism. But I do eat 5-6 meals per day with a mix of eggs fish and red meat..and Veg in most meals daily as well
My training has of late had been a no go due to the pain in my shoulder.. but usually I train 3-4 per week med to high intensity. Using the old school basics, squats, deadlifts etc
I’ve never had any major injuries before throughout my gym life. So am finding this is pissing me off considerably as no gym makes me a cranky prick…
I have access to all Sarms, pepetide and gear, from good local sources ( old associates )
Cheers L.
Here is my log to hopefully repair my shoulder injury
I have a supraspinatus tendon tear medium tear according to the ultra sound.
And doctors advise.
I am 56, fit 6’3 and around the 120kg’s I’ve have been training for almost 40 yrs..
so I started using TB 500 ( 10mg per week) cjc 1295 for last 2 weeks and it’s seems to be helping a little with the movement and less pain in RH shoulder. But have now stopped cjc1295 and now using nexnos HGh 3-5 iu per day.. I’m going to to continue with hgh for next several months or longer and continue with TB 500 for another 4-6 weeks..
I have all Sarms available at home 677, 2866, s23 etc as get Raws from mate in USA . So can add what like but just looking for some advise as my doctor likes to put his hands over his ears when I discuss anything not legal

My diet I will need to update. As don’t keep tabs as I have a high metabolism. But I do eat 5-6 meals per day with a mix of eggs fish and red meat..and Veg in most meals daily as well
My training has of late had been a no go due to the pain in my shoulder.. but usually I train 3-4 per week med to high intensity. Using the old school basics, squats, deadlifts etc
I’ve never had any major injuries before throughout my gym life. So am finding this is pissing me off considerably as no gym makes me a cranky prick…
I have access to all Sarms, pepetide and gear, from good local sources ( old associates )
Cheers L.