My Information:
- Age: 35
- Height: 72in / 6ft
- Weight: 237
- Body Fat % (estimated): 23%? Idk
- Training Experience (in years): Gym, 1.5 years. 6 years military
- Bro split.
- Chest/Tris - Monday and Thurs
- Back/Bis - Tues and Friday
- Legs/ Shoulders Wed and Sat
- Daily Caloric Intake: Sub 2k.
- Meal Plan:
- Breakfast: sugar free coffee 20oz with Ice
- Lunch: 4 chicken skewers. Chicken thighs, grilled.
- Dinner: 3 filets of Mahi mahi, about 18ozs and 1 cup of white rice.
Blood Work:
- Recent Blood Work scheduled to do in 3 days
Cycle Plan:
- Cycle Goals: TRT
- Compounds Planned for Use: Test Sust 250
- Dosage and Frequency: half cc Monday and Friday.
- Cycle Length: TBD
- Post Cycle Therapy (if applicable): NA
Additional Notes/Goals:
Dec of 2022, I started weight training. Built a home gym after I found out my wife cheating on me. I was lethargic and overweight. I immediately and recklessly started blasting a cycle from advice from a friend. Test Sus 750/week, Tren A 600/week, Clen 120 mcg 2 weeks on 2 weeks off, Winny 50mg 4 weeks then 100mg 6 weeks. I ate really good, went from 325 to 252, this went on for 12 weeks.
NG/DL mid blast was 2700. I started on baby aspirin to thin blood and this is when I realized I needed AI (yes I was completely uninformed about estrogen levels, and how it affected my body). I ended the cycle but stayed on 300 mg a week of test. So never really PCTd off. After 2 months got back on test Sus 600/Tren 600 per week. Added winny to end last 8 weeks. I got down to 240lbs here.
Eventually someone in the gym pulled me to the side and asked what I doing. I told him, he had a come to Jesus meeting with me and told me how dumb I was for this. Opened my eyes. I stayed on low dosage of TRT level (kinda) test till Jan 2024.
I got diagnosed with diverticulitis and had a full bowel perforation. After 3 surgeries, I’m healed and back in the gym now as of 2 weeks ago. I will not get on anything else then low dosage of Test.
Eating has never really been hard for me as Chicken and Rice and Mahi and rice is a staple I can eat forever. I’m looking for positive feedback on how to turn my body around into fatty 20% bf into mid teens on Bf. I know diet is key, and like I said, I can handle that. It takes time. I was thinking adding Anavar maybe in 3-4 months down the road.
Added photos that I took today after I worked out Bis and back.
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