Thanks to everyone for the input on previous info-gathering thread. Posting a log here, will keep it up weekly. Have a couple questions, towards the end.
Been lifting for 28 years
5'11, 230 lbs, 18% bf
Chest 51", arms 18", legs 29", waist 38"
Bloods good. Used PrivateMDLabs. No health problems aside from some joint issues.
done 2 cycles.
One was test e / dbol over 10 years ago.
1 year ago I did a conservative anavar only cycle.
Recomp, heavy on the cut, get the bf down to 10% if possible. Sick of being fat. Yes diet is the key, but I need some help. Already cut down from 250 prepping for this.
Weeks 1-8: Test E 500 mg/wk (2 x 250 mg q 3.5 days)
Weeks 1-8: Anavar 50 mg/day (2 x 25 mg)
Week 1: Clen 20 mcg/day
Week 2: Clen 40 mcg/day
Week 5: Clen 40 mcg/day
Week 6: Clen 60 mcg/day
Perfect PCT protocol --> https://www.evolutionary.org/the-perfect-post-cycle-therapy-pct/
Week 7: HCGenerate 5 caps/day // Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day
Week 8: HCGenerate 5 caps/day // Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day
Week 9: Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day // Clomid 50 mg/day // Nolva 40 mg/day // Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD // Ostarine (MK-2866) 25 mg/day //
Week 10: Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day // Clomid 50 mg/day // Nolva 20 mg/day // Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD // Ostarine (MK-2866) 25 mg/day //
Week 11: Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day // Clomid 25 mg/day // Nolva 20 mg/day // Aromasin 7.5 mg EOD // Ostarine (MK-2866) 25 mg/day //
Week 12: Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day // Clomid 25 mg/day // Nolva 20 mg/day // Aromasin 7.5 mg EOD // Ostarine (MK-2866) 25 mg/day //
Week 13: Clomid 12.5 mg/day // Nolva 10 mg/day
1. When is PCT week 1 relative to cycle week 8? Overlaps? The Perfect PCT Protocol has the 2 week pre-PCT kickstart with HCGenerate and Cardarine only on PCT weeks 1-2. That means Clomid, Nolva, Aromasin don't start until PCT week 3. But I don't think you're supposed to wait 2 weeks after last pin or last Anavar dose to start those, right? So does perfect PCT weeks 1-2 overlap with last 2 weeks of cycle? Meaning in this case, weeks 7-8 of cycle = weeks 1-2 of PCT? That's how I figured it above.
2. About Aromasin -- Perfect PCT protocol has Aromasin on PCT weeks 3-6 (9-12 above). But, a lot of guys say to use aromasin throughout the cycle or as needed, including dylangemelli on my info-gathering post. Which is it? Both?
1. All gear sourced from domestic-supply, including the GW and MK (both Odin). The rest was all Sixpex. Very good experience with them. Everything arrived promptly, as ordered. No issues.
2. Yes I went with 8 weeks, to stay on the safe side, avoid HPTA damage, avoid permanent side effects. Also read a bit about plateaus at 8 weeks, and it resounded with my own experience on past cycles. Current plan is to do two 8-week cycles per year. May change/extend to 10 weeks based on how I feel, how it goes and bloods.
3. The clen. I know a lot of guys are against it. Others say it's fine. Some ramp it up to 120mcg. Others say slow and steady. Some say do 2 weeks on, 2 off. Decided to try it, 2 weeks on, 2 off as above, and stay low dose. Increase dose weekly, not every few days. Will play it by ear. If the side effects are too much, I'll stop.
4. HCGenerate and N2Guard are both out of stock, can't get either one, tried hard. I'm sure everybody knows. So I went through the ingredients and spent a few hours on Amazon finding substitutes to cover the essentials. Here is what I went with if anyone is interested, or to save time for someone going through the same process:
- ON OPTI-MEN daily multi-vitamin
- Nutriissa "Cycle Support"
- Prime Labs Power Tribulus capsules
- aSquared nuturition Fadogia Agrestis with tongkat ali
- VitaMonk FenuTrax Fenugreek Extract capsules
- Carlyle Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract capsules
- Horbaach Triple Born Complex 6mg tabs
- Low carb. Mostly based on macros, not calories. 250 g of protein / day, generally over 5-6 meals, couple of those are shakes, mostly lean meat, pork, fish, chicken, some beef. Plenty of vegetables. Sweets only immediately after workouts. Otherwise, clean carbs. Banana in the am if morning workout. Sweet potato, brown rice, whole wheat bread, no garbage.
- Lift weights faster, play sports. Every workout starts with abs, low-weight hi-rep leg press machine or just 10-12 mins stepmill, calves (weak point). Workout itself is intense, high volume, all super-sets, fast-paced, little to no rest. Mostly just resting before big compound sets (bench, deads, squats).
- I've done so many different splits over the years. Always changing it up, usually once or twice a year. Right now, for weight loss, I'm doing a four day split which has a core body area each day, rounded out with total body sets. It's all super sets, high volume, fast and fun. Pretty advanced and time-consuming. I can post it if anyone is interested.
Thanks to everyone for the input on previous info-gathering thread. Posting a log here, will keep it up weekly. Have a couple questions, towards the end.
Been lifting for 28 years
5'11, 230 lbs, 18% bf
Chest 51", arms 18", legs 29", waist 38"
Bloods good. Used PrivateMDLabs. No health problems aside from some joint issues.
done 2 cycles.
One was test e / dbol over 10 years ago.
1 year ago I did a conservative anavar only cycle.
Recomp, heavy on the cut, get the bf down to 10% if possible. Sick of being fat. Yes diet is the key, but I need some help. Already cut down from 250 prepping for this.
Weeks 1-8: Test E 500 mg/wk (2 x 250 mg q 3.5 days)
Weeks 1-8: Anavar 50 mg/day (2 x 25 mg)
Week 1: Clen 20 mcg/day
Week 2: Clen 40 mcg/day
Week 5: Clen 40 mcg/day
Week 6: Clen 60 mcg/day
Perfect PCT protocol --> https://www.evolutionary.org/the-perfect-post-cycle-therapy-pct/
Week 7: HCGenerate 5 caps/day // Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day
Week 8: HCGenerate 5 caps/day // Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day
Week 9: Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day // Clomid 50 mg/day // Nolva 40 mg/day // Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD // Ostarine (MK-2866) 25 mg/day //
Week 10: Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day // Clomid 50 mg/day // Nolva 20 mg/day // Aromasin 12.5 mg EOD // Ostarine (MK-2866) 25 mg/day //
Week 11: Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day // Clomid 25 mg/day // Nolva 20 mg/day // Aromasin 7.5 mg EOD // Ostarine (MK-2866) 25 mg/day //
Week 12: Cardarine (GW-501516) 20 mg/day // Clomid 25 mg/day // Nolva 20 mg/day // Aromasin 7.5 mg EOD // Ostarine (MK-2866) 25 mg/day //
Week 13: Clomid 12.5 mg/day // Nolva 10 mg/day
1. When is PCT week 1 relative to cycle week 8? Overlaps? The Perfect PCT Protocol has the 2 week pre-PCT kickstart with HCGenerate and Cardarine only on PCT weeks 1-2. That means Clomid, Nolva, Aromasin don't start until PCT week 3. But I don't think you're supposed to wait 2 weeks after last pin or last Anavar dose to start those, right? So does perfect PCT weeks 1-2 overlap with last 2 weeks of cycle? Meaning in this case, weeks 7-8 of cycle = weeks 1-2 of PCT? That's how I figured it above.
2. About Aromasin -- Perfect PCT protocol has Aromasin on PCT weeks 3-6 (9-12 above). But, a lot of guys say to use aromasin throughout the cycle or as needed, including dylangemelli on my info-gathering post. Which is it? Both?
1. All gear sourced from domestic-supply, including the GW and MK (both Odin). The rest was all Sixpex. Very good experience with them. Everything arrived promptly, as ordered. No issues.
2. Yes I went with 8 weeks, to stay on the safe side, avoid HPTA damage, avoid permanent side effects. Also read a bit about plateaus at 8 weeks, and it resounded with my own experience on past cycles. Current plan is to do two 8-week cycles per year. May change/extend to 10 weeks based on how I feel, how it goes and bloods.
3. The clen. I know a lot of guys are against it. Others say it's fine. Some ramp it up to 120mcg. Others say slow and steady. Some say do 2 weeks on, 2 off. Decided to try it, 2 weeks on, 2 off as above, and stay low dose. Increase dose weekly, not every few days. Will play it by ear. If the side effects are too much, I'll stop.
4. HCGenerate and N2Guard are both out of stock, can't get either one, tried hard. I'm sure everybody knows. So I went through the ingredients and spent a few hours on Amazon finding substitutes to cover the essentials. Here is what I went with if anyone is interested, or to save time for someone going through the same process:
- ON OPTI-MEN daily multi-vitamin
- Nutriissa "Cycle Support"
- Prime Labs Power Tribulus capsules
- aSquared nuturition Fadogia Agrestis with tongkat ali
- VitaMonk FenuTrax Fenugreek Extract capsules
- Carlyle Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract capsules
- Horbaach Triple Born Complex 6mg tabs
- Low carb. Mostly based on macros, not calories. 250 g of protein / day, generally over 5-6 meals, couple of those are shakes, mostly lean meat, pork, fish, chicken, some beef. Plenty of vegetables. Sweets only immediately after workouts. Otherwise, clean carbs. Banana in the am if morning workout. Sweet potato, brown rice, whole wheat bread, no garbage.
- Lift weights faster, play sports. Every workout starts with abs, low-weight hi-rep leg press machine or just 10-12 mins stepmill, calves (weak point). Workout itself is intense, high volume, all super-sets, fast-paced, little to no rest. Mostly just resting before big compound sets (bench, deads, squats).
- I've done so many different splits over the years. Always changing it up, usually once or twice a year. Right now, for weight loss, I'm doing a four day split which has a core body area each day, rounded out with total body sets. It's all super sets, high volume, fast and fun. Pretty advanced and time-consuming. I can post it if anyone is interested.