Hello I’m jt from the uk did a 500mg test e cycle earlier this year seemed good results I didn’t pct done my bloods all ok colestrol was in range but high dr suggested some meds I’m on high blood pressure tablets but it’s controlled it was ok even on 500mg dropped 125mg is that a ok dose ? I was told just stay at 250mg a week but decided 125mg seeing how I go in 511 95kg bf I’d say 15% I’ve a coach he thinks I’m insulin resistant has I’ve no body fat other then a small belly but that’s going he has me on a fat loss plan currently 3 meals a day 5 low carb days 2 high and cardio 45min a day losing around 1.5kg a week reckon need lose another 5kg then he says I can build up prob near Xmas is this right ? I am getting smaller I hate it but he says it’s part of the plan and stick with it I’m not training really heavy has he says cos the food has been cut don’t leave it till next phase I will keep u in formed