Well here are my bloods , 6 months natural after a quite long 250mg test e cycle. I did a pct for 7-8 week hcg last 4 weeks with them the pct tabs and test boosters , later I used enclo to help boost my levels , usual training , I was 87kg 20% on cycle now I’m 102kg 30% bf thinking jumping on trt I do have a blood test booked next week with the nhs here in the uk I showed my dr my bloods , interesting he brought up a blood test I had 10years ago , my test was 10nmol ! So I was aways low! I was thinking running 125mg a week test cyp split mon /thurs do bloods few months find my sweet spot , also question showed the results to a friend and he said u know ur balls are working ur lucky it’s the signal that’s not getting thro try enclomthine first what’s your thoughts cos that’s confused me to hell