Hi all. Planning my first cycle but need advice. Details and plans are as follows;
Age: 42
Weight: 112kgs
Height: 180cm
Prescribed, I'm on TRT 250mg/1ml T.Enanthate every 10 days and have been for 3 years.....however I take 250mg/1ml T.Enanthate every 7 days. It's only 3 days inbetween pins but it makes me feel a MILLION times better for whatever reason. I'm also prescribed 0.5 Arimidex every 3 days as part of the TRT. I have an AutoImmune disease called Ulceratice Colitis (Bowel Disease). 12 yrs ago was admitted to Intensive Care Unit in hospital for 5 days and spent the next 6 months hospitalised. I was pumped FULL of 100mg of the catabolic Prednisolone Corticosteroids (amongst other things) for the 6 months while hospitalised and between 25mg - 50mg for years after discharge. Sadly it destroyed my body really....developed Hypo-Gonadism (hence the TRT), osteoarthritis, memory loss, the list goes on.
Finally weaned off of Prednisolone and started gym about 7 years ago.
I enjoy Max OT training or power lifting, but will do anything really. I aim for 6-8 reps, but if I wanna drop some fat% I'll up the reps and add little bits of cardio or whatever.
I love the gym, I take my time. The AutoImmune Disease and Bowel Disease force me to take it easy with plenty of rest inbetween sets.
It will usually looks something like this....
Monday - Back and Biceps - Rack Pull/Seated Row/Lat Pulldown/T-Cat Row/Dumbell Row/EZ Bar Curl/Cable Curl/Hammer Curl/then I'll hit some relevant machines.
Tuesday - Chest and Shoulders - Bench Press/Incline Bench/Dumbell Press/Incline Dumbell Press/Cable Chest Fly/Military Press/Seated Dumbell Press/Seated Barbell Press/Upright Row/Front Dumbell Raise/Lateral Dumbell Raise/then I'll hit some relevant machines.
Wednesday - Legs - Squats (lots lol)/Leg Press + Calf Press on sme machine/Deadlift/Seated Calf Raise/Standing Calf Raise/Leg Extension/then I'll hit some relevant machines.
Thursday - Biceps and Triceps - Tricep Dips/Cable Push Down/Skull Crushers/ Dumbell Overhead Tricep Extension/EZ Bar Curl/Cable Curl/Hammer Curl/then I'll hit some relevant machines.
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Chest and Shoulders - Bench Press/Incline Bench/Dumbell Press/Incline Dumbell Press/Cable Chest Fly/Military Press/Seated Dumbell Press/Seated Barbell Press/Upright Row/Front Dumbell Raise/Lateral Dumbell Raise/then I'll hit some relevant machines.
Sunday - Rest
Now this can be difficult with the Bowel Disease AutoImmune Disease. My body reacts badly to a lot of foods, so I keep it simple. meat a 2 veggies basically. I try to keep the carbs down most days, but not like keto low, justr a bit more mindful of carb intake. I just lower them because by bowel responds well to a slightly lower carb intake. I've been on a ridiculous amount of Nurtition Plans over the years that I responded well to them, so I'd have no problem implement a nutrition plan that someone can recommend for sure. I paid a lot of cash to video call with a guy called Jeff Willett who trained me and put a nutrition plan together for me, so I might just use that one again. He was a good dude, I can post a pic of his nutrition plan from 2017 if you want. But yeh, at the moment I just eat good clean foods, no takeaway, I kinda have to coz my disease will flare-up, which then means no gym....and I sure as F*** am not going to miss my gym sessions.
L-Carnitine 3g everyday
Post Workout Whey Protein Shake maybe 2-3 a day
Beta-Alanine Pre-Workout (just coz I like the alanine buzz! lol)
Blackmores Total Calcium Magnesium and Vitamin D3 Tablets 2 tablets everyday
Sadly I can't have any creatine, my disease will flare-up.
I want to do my first cycle, and I'm trying to keep it basic. Planning on a 12 week muscle gain cycle so I'm planning on increasing and doing;
- 500mg T.Enanthate weekly (which will include my TRT pin)
- 20mg Dianabol daily for first half of cycle, decreased to 10mg daily for second half.
- 0.5mg Arimidex EOD.
My question is, as far as doing a PCT while still needing to pin the 250mg T.Enanthate TRT, what then would that PCT look like in your opinion?
Ideally, I would rather (if possible) to just continue (forever basically) the 500mg T.Enanthate and just cycle the Dianabol or Deca or make other inclusions??
Thanks for any help Brothers. Stay Buff.
Age: 42
Weight: 112kgs
Height: 180cm
Prescribed, I'm on TRT 250mg/1ml T.Enanthate every 10 days and have been for 3 years.....however I take 250mg/1ml T.Enanthate every 7 days. It's only 3 days inbetween pins but it makes me feel a MILLION times better for whatever reason. I'm also prescribed 0.5 Arimidex every 3 days as part of the TRT. I have an AutoImmune disease called Ulceratice Colitis (Bowel Disease). 12 yrs ago was admitted to Intensive Care Unit in hospital for 5 days and spent the next 6 months hospitalised. I was pumped FULL of 100mg of the catabolic Prednisolone Corticosteroids (amongst other things) for the 6 months while hospitalised and between 25mg - 50mg for years after discharge. Sadly it destroyed my body really....developed Hypo-Gonadism (hence the TRT), osteoarthritis, memory loss, the list goes on.
Finally weaned off of Prednisolone and started gym about 7 years ago.
I enjoy Max OT training or power lifting, but will do anything really. I aim for 6-8 reps, but if I wanna drop some fat% I'll up the reps and add little bits of cardio or whatever.
I love the gym, I take my time. The AutoImmune Disease and Bowel Disease force me to take it easy with plenty of rest inbetween sets.
It will usually looks something like this....
Monday - Back and Biceps - Rack Pull/Seated Row/Lat Pulldown/T-Cat Row/Dumbell Row/EZ Bar Curl/Cable Curl/Hammer Curl/then I'll hit some relevant machines.
Tuesday - Chest and Shoulders - Bench Press/Incline Bench/Dumbell Press/Incline Dumbell Press/Cable Chest Fly/Military Press/Seated Dumbell Press/Seated Barbell Press/Upright Row/Front Dumbell Raise/Lateral Dumbell Raise/then I'll hit some relevant machines.
Wednesday - Legs - Squats (lots lol)/Leg Press + Calf Press on sme machine/Deadlift/Seated Calf Raise/Standing Calf Raise/Leg Extension/then I'll hit some relevant machines.
Thursday - Biceps and Triceps - Tricep Dips/Cable Push Down/Skull Crushers/ Dumbell Overhead Tricep Extension/EZ Bar Curl/Cable Curl/Hammer Curl/then I'll hit some relevant machines.
Friday - Rest
Saturday - Chest and Shoulders - Bench Press/Incline Bench/Dumbell Press/Incline Dumbell Press/Cable Chest Fly/Military Press/Seated Dumbell Press/Seated Barbell Press/Upright Row/Front Dumbell Raise/Lateral Dumbell Raise/then I'll hit some relevant machines.
Sunday - Rest
Now this can be difficult with the Bowel Disease AutoImmune Disease. My body reacts badly to a lot of foods, so I keep it simple. meat a 2 veggies basically. I try to keep the carbs down most days, but not like keto low, justr a bit more mindful of carb intake. I just lower them because by bowel responds well to a slightly lower carb intake. I've been on a ridiculous amount of Nurtition Plans over the years that I responded well to them, so I'd have no problem implement a nutrition plan that someone can recommend for sure. I paid a lot of cash to video call with a guy called Jeff Willett who trained me and put a nutrition plan together for me, so I might just use that one again. He was a good dude, I can post a pic of his nutrition plan from 2017 if you want. But yeh, at the moment I just eat good clean foods, no takeaway, I kinda have to coz my disease will flare-up, which then means no gym....and I sure as F*** am not going to miss my gym sessions.
L-Carnitine 3g everyday
Post Workout Whey Protein Shake maybe 2-3 a day
Beta-Alanine Pre-Workout (just coz I like the alanine buzz! lol)
Blackmores Total Calcium Magnesium and Vitamin D3 Tablets 2 tablets everyday
Sadly I can't have any creatine, my disease will flare-up.
I want to do my first cycle, and I'm trying to keep it basic. Planning on a 12 week muscle gain cycle so I'm planning on increasing and doing;
- 500mg T.Enanthate weekly (which will include my TRT pin)
- 20mg Dianabol daily for first half of cycle, decreased to 10mg daily for second half.
- 0.5mg Arimidex EOD.
My question is, as far as doing a PCT while still needing to pin the 250mg T.Enanthate TRT, what then would that PCT look like in your opinion?
Ideally, I would rather (if possible) to just continue (forever basically) the 500mg T.Enanthate and just cycle the Dianabol or Deca or make other inclusions??
Thanks for any help Brothers. Stay Buff.