Hi All ,one of the admins asked me to post a thread on my situation ,so here goes …..
52 yr old male
TRT for 3 years due to secondary hypogonadism from Hemachromatosis (iron overload )
I had my T levels checked due to feeling like crap ,free t -12 ,total t -212 ,doctor laughed and said I was fine. No one that had treated my iron overload for 15 years made the connection of iron overload and low T levels.
I researched and found PHC did some bloods and started TRT -200mg a week ,lost 12 kg ,walking everyday ,weight training 4 x week ,always monitoring blood pressure ,HCT ,liver rbc ,everything was good ,even my Doctor was on board with helping me monitor everything.
My T levels went to 35-40 and 1100-1400 ,PHC started to require lower and lower levels ,so you have to miss pinning to make the right numbers ,it was a nightmare.
I then contacted primal ,went through the process and was quoted $435 for 250mg/10ml test cyp,which I can’t afford ……
Last stop was Melbourne anti aging clinic
I went through the process and lost $600 because they got raided and I had to come off for 20 days to do bloods ,my last measured level was 4.9 and fair to say I felt like arse.
Any way that’s my journey ,the medical system is fucked ,they would rather see men weak and sick
Sorry for the long post and thanks for letting me post !!
52 yr old male
TRT for 3 years due to secondary hypogonadism from Hemachromatosis (iron overload )
I had my T levels checked due to feeling like crap ,free t -12 ,total t -212 ,doctor laughed and said I was fine. No one that had treated my iron overload for 15 years made the connection of iron overload and low T levels.
I researched and found PHC did some bloods and started TRT -200mg a week ,lost 12 kg ,walking everyday ,weight training 4 x week ,always monitoring blood pressure ,HCT ,liver rbc ,everything was good ,even my Doctor was on board with helping me monitor everything.
My T levels went to 35-40 and 1100-1400 ,PHC started to require lower and lower levels ,so you have to miss pinning to make the right numbers ,it was a nightmare.
I then contacted primal ,went through the process and was quoted $435 for 250mg/10ml test cyp,which I can’t afford ……
Last stop was Melbourne anti aging clinic

I went through the process and lost $600 because they got raided and I had to come off for 20 days to do bloods ,my last measured level was 4.9 and fair to say I felt like arse.
Any way that’s my journey ,the medical system is fucked ,they would rather see men weak and sick
Sorry for the long post and thanks for letting me post !!