Started a cycle of 300mg/wk test E, 300mg/wk EQ, and what was supposed to be 40mg/ed oral tbol kickstart... I am very very confident I was sent oral dbol instead however. I am holding water more, feeling bloated but very strong. It's been 4 weeks on this cycle and I'm up over 15lbs, which is NOT what I was wanting. Needless to say I'm in it now though.
I need some help interpreting my labs. Note both labs were done on Thursday before injecting my second dose for the week (I inject on Monday and Thursday evenings)
These results are on 200-225mg Test C cruise only with Aromasin 6.25mg 3x per week.
Total test: 882ng/dl
Free test: 25.4pg/ml
E2: 36.3pg/ml
These above results were done right before starting and through LabCorp.
Current labs after four weeks on Test E 300/EQ 300 and what I assume is now dbol 40mg per day with the same 6.25mg Aromasin 3x per week
Total test: 575ng/dl
Free test: 171pg/ml
E2: <15pg/ml
These second labs were done through Quest Diagnostics. Now first off why the hell is Quest only giving me a reading of "<15" on my e2 and not an actual number? That pisses me off.
Is this normal on what I assume is dbol? I've never been on it before and wasn't planning to; however, I "feel" like my estrogen is elevated and I am holding water but if that e2 result is to be believed it's low. I've read dbol may or may not show up on e2 but not read anything solid on it. I've also heard EQ acts as it's on AI in a way which is why I wanted to stay on my normal AI dose despite upping test sightly to see how the EQ effected e2. So I'm wondering what to make of this data from my labs at this point and how to press forward. Don't wanna get gyno and I planned to kick start with tbol 5-6 weeks before adding tren in to finish off the cycle. Right now I have no symptoms other than bloat, I planned to go another week on 30mg dbol while starting tren then dropping the dbol. Am I good to do that and just stay with my normal 6.25mg Aromasin dose 3x per week?