I am 35 yo male from London, weight 65 kg height 5'6 inch or 167cms, body fat approx 12percent.
I have a very lean muscular physique, initially started my weight loss journey and dropped from 90kgs to 60 kgs and started lighting weights afterwards. I have seen significant improvements. never taken any steroids
I watch what I eat and workout between 4-5 days each week targeting each part of the body, cardio 2wice a week and abs approx 3times a week.
I eat clean and very seldom I eat out maybe one meal a week or in a fortnight. I aim for 2600 calories each days - 100gms of carbs, 75gms of fat and around 200gms of protein and at least 30gms of fibre each day.
I take Dorin Yates pre workout and NXT beef protein and bcca.
I have hit plateau and I do not see any improvements in muscle gains, I can do with a bit of muscle gain across each part but mainly arms and shoulders. my biggest phobia is to put excessive weight back on.
I would highly appreciate if you guys could help me point in the right directions. I am committed and consistent with my workouts and I would say I am at intermediate to advanced level with super sets and have the knowledge of lifting weights.
apologies for the long story and thank you in advance!
I am 35 yo male from London, weight 65 kg height 5'6 inch or 167cms, body fat approx 12percent.
I have a very lean muscular physique, initially started my weight loss journey and dropped from 90kgs to 60 kgs and started lighting weights afterwards. I have seen significant improvements. never taken any steroids
I watch what I eat and workout between 4-5 days each week targeting each part of the body, cardio 2wice a week and abs approx 3times a week.
I eat clean and very seldom I eat out maybe one meal a week or in a fortnight. I aim for 2600 calories each days - 100gms of carbs, 75gms of fat and around 200gms of protein and at least 30gms of fibre each day.
I take Dorin Yates pre workout and NXT beef protein and bcca.
I have hit plateau and I do not see any improvements in muscle gains, I can do with a bit of muscle gain across each part but mainly arms and shoulders. my biggest phobia is to put excessive weight back on.
I would highly appreciate if you guys could help me point in the right directions. I am committed and consistent with my workouts and I would say I am at intermediate to advanced level with super sets and have the knowledge of lifting weights.
apologies for the long story and thank you in advance!