46 years old and 5'11 and 185 lb
body 14%
I've been training for the past 25 years and I'm in great health I eat very clean and I make sure I always get my vegetables
lifting around four times a week and very active on non lifting days. Want to stay active
not going to go to trt Route yet and I want to stick to just cycling steroids
What do you think about doing equipoise 300mgs with 500mgs of test for a first cycle? And running it 15 weeks. Good or not?
body 14%
I've been training for the past 25 years and I'm in great health I eat very clean and I make sure I always get my vegetables
lifting around four times a week and very active on non lifting days. Want to stay active
not going to go to trt Route yet and I want to stick to just cycling steroids
What do you think about doing equipoise 300mgs with 500mgs of test for a first cycle? And running it 15 weeks. Good or not?