First and foremost, I appreciate any advice given in advance, and I welcome any criticism as I deserve it. I had never ran any gear nor did any research on it, then a friend talked to me about it and being impulsive I jumped right in, had no idea what a PCT or AI was, but started pinning and lifting. Followed all of my friends guidance on dosage, etc, but I see that he just runs test indefinitely, he never comes off, and I’m positive that this probably isn’t a great idea for me. That was 3 months ago, my first 4 weeks was sus 250 at 500mg per week, was great, no sides, more energy, felt better looked better etc. Things got shaky when the sust was gone and I switched to test e. We did a loading phase at 750mg every 5 days (3 pins total), and since then I’ve been running 500mg per week. Two weeks ago I started breaking out (acne) and it’s bad. My face, my back and my chest. Giant bumps, redness and I know this is common however I am struggling with it. I’ve watched countless videos on what a proper PCT would be, but none of those are tailored to my specific circumstances. My main objective here is to come off the test, regroup, buy the necessary supplies like an AI, HCG, my PCT drugs and anything else I need to do this correct. Truth be told I am lost and I am also scared, I know it’s just acne but I am also concerned about other potential side effects (seen or unseen) and I don’t know how to safely do this. Obviously I did not get blood drawn, nor do I know how to even go about that. Just tell my primary care I decided to run test? I realize how irresponsible and outright stupid this was of me, any help on this would be greatly appreciated. I love the way I feel, I would like to continue but as responsibly as I can, I have never had so much motivation to workout in my life and I have never looked this good ( well not now bc the acne).
32 y/o male 190LBS
32 y/o male 190LBS