yes man, like i said it is a risk v reward thing.
again understand what hcg and hmg do. they MIMIC hormones that the pituitary gland is supposed to produce, but by doing that they signal the pituitary glands to becomes suppressed.
it would be like using hcg or hmg in pct. it will plump up your leydig cells, boost sperm volume, boost cum volume, boost testosterone, etc. that all sounds wonderful and makes you feel great on pct!! however it also is signaling your pituitary glands to stop producing hormones and damaging your HPTA in the process. that is why you don't use them in pct. so whatever good it is doing is fucking you
i don't recommend touching hcg or HMG for fertility benefits in men unless it is your absolute last resort and its a do or die situation where nothing else has worked. like hypothetically let's say you abused steroids and you can't make sperm in high amounts and your wife is nagging you for a kid, then in that situation go for it. but someone reading this who is just a normal dude who has ran a few cycles and wants to knock up his wife absolutely not, in that situation come off all hormones entirely and run your clomid and vitamin E and lots of strong herbals.