power leg day to the max you loaded it big on thereLeg day
Got 9 hours sleep last night which is crazy good for me during the week.
Feeling good! Eq and cardarine really helping with stamina in the gym
Weight is 97.5kg
Would say BF percentage about the same when I started but up 3kg
In 610
Out 700
Week 4
Test 500
Eq 400
Primo 400
Strength factor free weight loaded squats
40kg x 12
80kg x 12
120kg x 8
120kg x 8
ISO lateral leg press - hammer strength
Alt legs
60kg x10
80kg x 10
80kg x 10
80kg x 9
Calf raises
Warm up. 30second hold in stretch position for Achilles top and bottom
115kg x20 full - 10 partials
115kg x 17 full - 10 partials
115kg x 15full - 10 partials
115kg x 15full - 10 partials
115kg x 15 full - 10 partials
Leg extensions - precor
59kg x 15
80kg x 15
93kg x 12
93kg x 10