I’m back and just beginning to think about my winter cycle. I like to buy a bit at a time to spread out the cost a little. Don’t plan on beginning until around December. Will obviously create a log before I begin.
Last cycle:
16 weeks
500 pw test c
8 mg aromasin every 3 days
This cycle was successful although I felt like I got a little bloated and uncomfortable towards the end.
I have since lost about 10lbs of the 20 or so I put on. Strength remains at approximately 90% of my maxes on cycle. Overall, I am pleased with the long term muscle and strength gains 5 months post cycle.
This cycle my focus will be less on gaining mass and more lean muscle. I’d like to create more definition and continue to drop body fat. I know the body fat is 90% diet related.
My initial thoughts are shortening to a 12 week cycle instead of 16. I was also thinking of running 400 mg test per week instead of 500. What could I add to this stack that would help me achieve my goals without totally fucking up my overall health?
Last cycle:
16 weeks
500 pw test c
8 mg aromasin every 3 days
This cycle was successful although I felt like I got a little bloated and uncomfortable towards the end.
I have since lost about 10lbs of the 20 or so I put on. Strength remains at approximately 90% of my maxes on cycle. Overall, I am pleased with the long term muscle and strength gains 5 months post cycle.
This cycle my focus will be less on gaining mass and more lean muscle. I’d like to create more definition and continue to drop body fat. I know the body fat is 90% diet related.
My initial thoughts are shortening to a 12 week cycle instead of 16. I was also thinking of running 400 mg test per week instead of 500. What could I add to this stack that would help me achieve my goals without totally fucking up my overall health?