May 4. 24
Okay here’s my workouts from this week!
Back day (Tuesday)
6am fasted cardio incline 10 speed 3.5
Pendlay row 4x10 47.5/ side
Wide grip pull down 4x12 120
DB RDL 4x12 80
Narrow grip pulldown 4x12 115
Snatch grip dead’s 4x10 250
Single arm pulldown 4x15-20 30
A1.Barbell curls 4x15 42.5
A2. Spider curls 4x15 20
Chest day (Wednesday)
Seated chest press 4x12 45/
Low incline cable fly 4x12 13
Chest supported IYTWs 4x10 5
A1.Rope cable front raise 4x45 drop
A2. Incline pushups 4x50
Seated OH smith press 3x40 drop 30-20
Spider curls 3x15 20
Cable hammer curls 3x15
Day off (Thursday) 6am fasted cardio 1 hr incline 10 incline 3.5 speed
My body was tired! Had a self care day massage and chiro.
Leg day(Friday)
6am Fasted cardio incline 10 speed 3.5
Pump style smith squat(narrow feet) 4x15 195
Leg extension 4x20 90
Close stance toes pointed out leg press 4x10 750
Split squat front foot elevated 3x20 26.5
Jump squats 3x25
A1.standing calf raises 5x15 70
A2. BW calf raises 5x15
H.I.T.T cardio post workout 15mins 15sec on 45 sec off
Refeed day
Meal 1: 1/2 cup whites, 2cups rice crispy cereal, 1 tbsp sugar, almond milk
Meals 2,3,4: 3oz chicken, 5oz rice
Meal 5: post workout: 2 cups rice crispy cereal, 1tbsp sugar, almond milk
Shoulder day (today)
730am figure posing practice with coach. Why am I so awkward
Standing side laterals 4x40-10 drop
Push press OH 4x15 85
Behind neck presses 4x15 40
A1.cable rope front raise 4x40
A2. Incline pushups 4x45
Face pulls 4x15 40
Cardio 50 mins incline 10 speed 3.5
Meal 1: 2 eggs, 1/2cup whites, 5oz ground turkey, veggies, 30ml sugar free ketchup
Meal 2: 5oz ground turkey, veggies
Meal 3: 5oz ground turkey
Meal 4: post workout: 3oz ground turkey, 2 cups veggies
Meal 5: 5 oz ground turkey, veggies, hot sauce
Picture from today’s posing practice! We have the heels on!