@Kindafitkindafat good clean day, been missing your updates.May 14.24
Current cycle
Primo 100mg/week
Anavar 10mg AM&PM
Nolvadex 10mg daily
Clen 50AM 50lunch
Haven’t posted for a while. Life’s been crazy busy. It feels like my world has shrunk into a prep bubble..
Here’s what my meals have been for the past 2 weeks:
Meal 1: 1cup whites, 3oz ground turkey, veggies, 30ml sugar free ketchup
Meal 2: 3oz ground turkey, 3oz potatoes, veggies
Meal 3: 3oz ground turkey,3oz rice
Meal 4: 3oz chicken
post workout: 3oz ground turkey, 3oz rice, 2 cups veggies
Meal 5: 5 oz ground turkey, veggies, hot sauce
We are currently doing 1hr 15min of fasted cardio in the AM and 25 mins of H.I.T.T cardio post workout in the evenings.
Will post tonight’s workout later!
you're doing a lot of cardio, how you feeling? hows the rip coming? do some pic updates please sister