solid workout here sister your killing it! I'm loving the cardio before and after the workout something you don't see on logs oftenMay 20.24
Food the same as last day
1hr fasted cardio AM
T bar row 5x10 115Ibs
BB RDLs 5x10 185 Ibs
Chin-ups 5x10
Wide grip cable row 4x15 70Ibs
Underhand cable row 4x15 60Ibs
Narrow grip cable pulldown 4x15 90Ibs
Single straight arm pull down 4x20/ 25Ibs
Cable crunches 4x15 70Ibs
Plank 4x1 min
Sit-ups 4x15
Vaccums 4x as long as possible
30 mins H.I.T.T cardio 15 sec on 45 active rest
1 hr posing