Hello Bros here is my pre cycle log.
I am 27 years old 181cm and 75kg or 5'11 and 165lbs and work construction (formwork!)
I have been training for 10 years, but only consistently and properly for last 3 years.
I am somewhat of a hybrid athlete, over the last 3 years I have maintained some weight training alongside training for over 7 marathons and ultramarathons. When I am not in a marathon training block, I usually focus more on my bodybuilding, and will run only a couple hours a week. When I am marathon running, I body build 2-3 hours a week, and run fucking heaps.
At the moment, I am rehabbing my knees, they are a bit worn out - and as such I am only running 5km per week, and doing spin classes with old ladies on the weekend to keep my cardio up. I am also doing physio for my right hand shoulder, which has a small labrum tear - I do prescribed exercises for my shoulders, weight isn't super high, but I really slow down the reps and I get a great squeeze.
Current training:
Upper, Lower, all body and an all body rehab day. My focus this year is to get bigger, try and rest around 80kg lean, or get 75 sliced. I might train for a run at some point this year. Not sure yet.
I weight train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday Is a yoga day, Saturday is a spin class with the old girls lol and Sunday is just yoga and walking. I will usually fit two runs in per week on Tuesday and friday.
Diet: Currently mild surplus on 3200-3400 calories (3400 if I'm at work, otherwise 3200) and about 180g-200g of protein a day - the rest goes to carbs and probably 70-100g of fat a day. I track and weight everything on my fitness pal. This puts me on track to gain about half a pound a week.
Zinc, magnesium, 5000 iu vitamins D's, ashwaghanda, melatonin, 4 fish oils, a multi, and finasteride for the hair lols.
I train before work in the morning, I don't take caffeine Preworkout supplements, just a little bit of non stim beta alanine.
I average 8-8.5 hours of sleep every night.
Thinking about jumping on the secret sauce, as I really enjoy what I do, but would love to recover better. I am worn out with my current workload, and would like to add more shit. I just wake up sore and am tired often. I'd love to pick up more gym time, or maybe a bit of martial arts a couple days a week. Just wanna feel super amazing. I wanna be able to smash work and then smash gym, wake up feeling great and smash it all over again. I fucked around the first 7 years of my training and am playing catch up. Yeah you can do well natty, and I have long ways to go before hitting my limits, If I did what I do now back then, I reckon I'd be alright, but I didn't.
I like how I look too, I've got reverse body dysmorphia. Even though I'm ultra skinny I reckon I look like a champion lol, but would like to be bit bigger and stronger.
also, want to keep my fertility, I kinda wanna shoot a few live ones out in about 2-3 years, but also be jacked as fuck while still young.
pic is me this Thursday PRE easter weekend of mass easter egg inhalation.
What else should I include bros?
I am 27 years old 181cm and 75kg or 5'11 and 165lbs and work construction (formwork!)
I have been training for 10 years, but only consistently and properly for last 3 years.
I am somewhat of a hybrid athlete, over the last 3 years I have maintained some weight training alongside training for over 7 marathons and ultramarathons. When I am not in a marathon training block, I usually focus more on my bodybuilding, and will run only a couple hours a week. When I am marathon running, I body build 2-3 hours a week, and run fucking heaps.
At the moment, I am rehabbing my knees, they are a bit worn out - and as such I am only running 5km per week, and doing spin classes with old ladies on the weekend to keep my cardio up. I am also doing physio for my right hand shoulder, which has a small labrum tear - I do prescribed exercises for my shoulders, weight isn't super high, but I really slow down the reps and I get a great squeeze.
Current training:
Upper, Lower, all body and an all body rehab day. My focus this year is to get bigger, try and rest around 80kg lean, or get 75 sliced. I might train for a run at some point this year. Not sure yet.
I weight train on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday. Wednesday Is a yoga day, Saturday is a spin class with the old girls lol and Sunday is just yoga and walking. I will usually fit two runs in per week on Tuesday and friday.
Diet: Currently mild surplus on 3200-3400 calories (3400 if I'm at work, otherwise 3200) and about 180g-200g of protein a day - the rest goes to carbs and probably 70-100g of fat a day. I track and weight everything on my fitness pal. This puts me on track to gain about half a pound a week.
Zinc, magnesium, 5000 iu vitamins D's, ashwaghanda, melatonin, 4 fish oils, a multi, and finasteride for the hair lols.
I train before work in the morning, I don't take caffeine Preworkout supplements, just a little bit of non stim beta alanine.
I average 8-8.5 hours of sleep every night.
Thinking about jumping on the secret sauce, as I really enjoy what I do, but would love to recover better. I am worn out with my current workload, and would like to add more shit. I just wake up sore and am tired often. I'd love to pick up more gym time, or maybe a bit of martial arts a couple days a week. Just wanna feel super amazing. I wanna be able to smash work and then smash gym, wake up feeling great and smash it all over again. I fucked around the first 7 years of my training and am playing catch up. Yeah you can do well natty, and I have long ways to go before hitting my limits, If I did what I do now back then, I reckon I'd be alright, but I didn't.
I like how I look too, I've got reverse body dysmorphia. Even though I'm ultra skinny I reckon I look like a champion lol, but would like to be bit bigger and stronger.
also, want to keep my fertility, I kinda wanna shoot a few live ones out in about 2-3 years, but also be jacked as fuck while still young.
pic is me this Thursday PRE easter weekend of mass easter egg inhalation.
What else should I include bros?