Wanna get to the next level with my growth, lean and hard. Recommend for me the perfect combination, primobolan with anavar or with dbol? dose same 800mgs/50mgs of either.
Goal is looking good.
Anavar is a DHT derivative. It does not aromatize into estrogen so side effects like water retention and bloat are impossible.
Dbol on the other hand is a very estrogenic compound and will cause a lot of water retention and bloat.
Pick anavar brother. Make sure to use a good liver aid supplement when using it because it's a liver toxic oral steroid. Look for a liver aid supplement that contains TUDCA, NAC and milk thistle. I really like the product n2guard from n2bm.com
Dbol is probably way too wet of a compound for what you are looking to accomplish. I like your primo with anavar dosing. Make sure you run n2guard too because anavar, though mild, is liver toxic.
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