I’m really looking forward to taking advantage of some xmas money my grandma gave me over the holidays. I decided to spend it on my steroid stack.
has anyone stacked primobolan, anavar and masteron in the same cycle?
My plan is this:
100mgs/day primo
50mgs/day anavar
100mgs/day masteron prop
200mgs/week testosterone
Its an expensive cycle, but i am looking to cut down
I’m 15% body fat
25 years old
6’2’’ 205 pounds
has anyone stacked primobolan, anavar and masteron in the same cycle?
My plan is this:
100mgs/day primo
50mgs/day anavar
100mgs/day masteron prop
200mgs/week testosterone
Its an expensive cycle, but i am looking to cut down
I’m 15% body fat
25 years old
6’2’’ 205 pounds