Starting my new thread for this year. I will start logging more frequently and with my typical detail and thoughts. Focus, focus, right?
I have been on TRT since 2017. I started competing in national NPC Masters shows in 2019. Basically trying to get an IFBB Pro card. I'm nothing special. Just an older 56 year old guy with a love for bodybuilding and the gym. I have improved over the years. Better placing were in the 2020 and 2021 seasons. I think my best look was last year. Although, this year I competed at heavier weight with more fullness, just think I was leaner and sharper last year.
My previous logs are below.
These are my tentative dates
01/01 Clean Eating
01/31 Pre Cycle Blood Work
02/01 Clean Bulk Cycle / Wet Compounds
05/03 Cut Cycle / Dry Compounds
07/16 NPC Masters Nationals
08/27 NPC North Americans
Starting today, I move towards more clean and healthy foods. I am having ground beef (93/7) with bell peppers and onions as I type this.
I did get up and hit the gym this morning at 6am opening time. I think I may have been one of the first cars in the lot. Parked up real close.
Hit my chest and shoulders 3x10 of 225 from seated barbell front shoulder press, incline bench and decline bench. Followed by smith machine where I move the bench from decline to vertical and do 1x10 at each increment with 7 to 8 in total. I end with front and back on the last set with 225 and 135 and the bar. I have been banding the 135 on the back end for increased tension.
These past few months my workouts have been consistent. My diet much more flexible. No PEDs other than my doctor prescribed TRT 200mg/weekly. Of course the typical ancillaries along with HCGenerate to for supplemental support. I'm eager to get started on my cycle. I won't start till Feb 1. Will do bloodwork the day before.
As a 56 year old lifter, I wish I had the joint flexibility of 30 or 40 year old. My last dose of anabolics was in August. Each month I could feel the joint getting progressively irritated. It has been a limiting factor. In years past I did dabble with other compounds in the off season but this year I decided to really do a health phase and be completely TRT only. I don't feel like I lost much strength or muscle. If anything while I am fluffy, this is the leanest 200 lbs I have ever been. I am hairy at the moment so no progress shots till I shed some hair. I do notice my muscle separation. I also see some maybe muscle maturity, that freaky muscle look where my bicep and delt tie in. I really need to get rid of the hair to really see it.
Everything I plan to do in the log is going to focus on the bodybuilding stage. My weakness is my belly distention and blocky mid section. I'm not sure how much muscle mass I can add at my age as I have been lifting weights since I was 16 and bodybuilding since 2010. So, conditioning and posing will be uber important. I have lifted like a power lifter going for maxes. My thinking had been a strong muscle is bigger muscle. At my age, I'm just not feeling it anymore. My focus will be feeling the muscle, going thru full range of motion, being able to stop and control it anywhere on the glide path. Getting more quality reps and hopefully growing.
I have been on this board since 2019, I genuinely appreciate the education, support and engagement the EVO community provides.
Let's see what 2025 holds.
Wednesday : Chest/Shoulders
Wake Up @ 201
Post Workout @ 197
Step Count: 25K
Androgen Rage : None
Cycle Status : None
Show Date : 07/16/2025 (Pro card or bust)
Target Weigh in : 176.25 lbs
I have been on TRT since 2017. I started competing in national NPC Masters shows in 2019. Basically trying to get an IFBB Pro card. I'm nothing special. Just an older 56 year old guy with a love for bodybuilding and the gym. I have improved over the years. Better placing were in the 2020 and 2021 seasons. I think my best look was last year. Although, this year I competed at heavier weight with more fullness, just think I was leaner and sharper last year.
My previous logs are below.
These are my tentative dates
01/01 Clean Eating
01/31 Pre Cycle Blood Work
02/01 Clean Bulk Cycle / Wet Compounds
05/03 Cut Cycle / Dry Compounds
07/16 NPC Masters Nationals
08/27 NPC North Americans
Starting today, I move towards more clean and healthy foods. I am having ground beef (93/7) with bell peppers and onions as I type this.
I did get up and hit the gym this morning at 6am opening time. I think I may have been one of the first cars in the lot. Parked up real close.
Hit my chest and shoulders 3x10 of 225 from seated barbell front shoulder press, incline bench and decline bench. Followed by smith machine where I move the bench from decline to vertical and do 1x10 at each increment with 7 to 8 in total. I end with front and back on the last set with 225 and 135 and the bar. I have been banding the 135 on the back end for increased tension.
These past few months my workouts have been consistent. My diet much more flexible. No PEDs other than my doctor prescribed TRT 200mg/weekly. Of course the typical ancillaries along with HCGenerate to for supplemental support. I'm eager to get started on my cycle. I won't start till Feb 1. Will do bloodwork the day before.
As a 56 year old lifter, I wish I had the joint flexibility of 30 or 40 year old. My last dose of anabolics was in August. Each month I could feel the joint getting progressively irritated. It has been a limiting factor. In years past I did dabble with other compounds in the off season but this year I decided to really do a health phase and be completely TRT only. I don't feel like I lost much strength or muscle. If anything while I am fluffy, this is the leanest 200 lbs I have ever been. I am hairy at the moment so no progress shots till I shed some hair. I do notice my muscle separation. I also see some maybe muscle maturity, that freaky muscle look where my bicep and delt tie in. I really need to get rid of the hair to really see it.
Everything I plan to do in the log is going to focus on the bodybuilding stage. My weakness is my belly distention and blocky mid section. I'm not sure how much muscle mass I can add at my age as I have been lifting weights since I was 16 and bodybuilding since 2010. So, conditioning and posing will be uber important. I have lifted like a power lifter going for maxes. My thinking had been a strong muscle is bigger muscle. At my age, I'm just not feeling it anymore. My focus will be feeling the muscle, going thru full range of motion, being able to stop and control it anywhere on the glide path. Getting more quality reps and hopefully growing.
I have been on this board since 2019, I genuinely appreciate the education, support and engagement the EVO community provides.
Let's see what 2025 holds.
Wednesday : Chest/Shoulders
Wake Up @ 201
Post Workout @ 197
Step Count: 25K
Androgen Rage : None
Cycle Status : None
Show Date : 07/16/2025 (Pro card or bust)
Target Weigh in : 176.25 lbs