Testosterone Plus Progesterone— An Anabolic Duo?
This is from the wacky world of science. Is it possible that if you combine testosterone enanthate with the female hormone progesterone (in this case, levonorgestrel— a form of progesterone involved in conception), that you can make even greater gains in lean body mass? Sounds strange indeed. In fact, the notion that you’d want to consume any female hormone is enough to make you hide in the corner and stick a fork in your eye.
First some background. You all know what testosterone is, but what’s this levonorgesterel (LNG) used for? It’s actually an emergency contraceptive used to prevent pregnancy after contraceptive failure (oops, my hat fell off) or unprotected intercourse (oops, I forget to put on my hat). This drug prevents ovulation, disrupts the fertilization process and prevents the implantation of the egg into the uterus. This is all good if you have no plans on adding bambinos.
So, in this intriguing study, scientists at the University of Washington took normal healthy men and divided them into four groups:
1) 100 milligrams testosterone enanthate (TE), im injection once per week plus 125 micrograms of LNG
2) TE plus placebo
3) LNG plus placebo
4) placebo and placebo
So they covered all of their respective bases. What happened? The TE plus LNG group increased total lean body mass at four weeks and eight weeks of treatment (3.5 percent and 4.2 percent, respectively). Also, they increased trunk lean mass after four and eight weeks of treatment (4.7 and 5.0 percent, respectively) compared to baseline and placebo.
TE alone increased total and trunk lean mass significantly compared to placebo after four weeks (+3.3 percent), but not when compared to baseline. Fat mass decreased significantly in the TE group alone (-4.9 percent) while fat mass increased in the LNG group alone. So, in short, they found that if you take TE plus LNG, you get greater gains in LBM than if you take TE alone! Very interesting. But you won’t lose any fat. However, if you take TE alone, you’ll gain lean body mass (not as much as the TE plus LNG), but you’ll lose more fat.
So I guess if gaining mass is your goal, TE plus LNG is best. If improving your appearance via lean mass gains and fat loss is your goal, TE alone will do the trick. I wonder how much they paid these guys to willingly consume progesterone.
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