Everyone is different. Some will tell you less is more and in a way they're right...but one could argue that everyone is different. For example a guy who is 5'7" can usually build a thicker, more dense physique on less gear than someone who's 6'3". Say what you want but it is what it is. Also some people just respond extremely well to AAS. The fact is, (diet and training aside) for us regular guys who might be on the taller side and aren't hyper-responders to gear, we need higher doses to get the more dramatic results.
That being said, Masteron is a great example of a steroid that really shines at high doses. If you've ever run a gram or more of Masteron you'll know what I'm talking about. It's a different drug altogether once you reach that tier. But pinning Masteron Propionate daily which is only 100 mg/mL becomes tedious and takes up a lot of space in the syringe. To make things easier when running high doses it's best to use Masteron Enanthate. 200 mg/mL and a longer half life. It is even beneficial to those who run lower doses because they can get away with pinning once or twice a week. Why run Mast Prop at all in my opinion?
That being said, Masteron is a great example of a steroid that really shines at high doses. If you've ever run a gram or more of Masteron you'll know what I'm talking about. It's a different drug altogether once you reach that tier. But pinning Masteron Propionate daily which is only 100 mg/mL becomes tedious and takes up a lot of space in the syringe. To make things easier when running high doses it's best to use Masteron Enanthate. 200 mg/mL and a longer half life. It is even beneficial to those who run lower doses because they can get away with pinning once or twice a week. Why run Mast Prop at all in my opinion?