November 23
Sleep :
8 hours
Fasting :
Water intake : 6L
Supplements : magnesium citrate, B complex, omega-3, vitamin D, creatine, 10mg RAD140, 20mg ostarine
Training :
Walking the dog x 60min
Squat 55x5, 70x5, 85x5, 100x5, 115x5, 135x5, 100x20 (safety belt squats)
OHP 45x5x2, 50x5, 55x5x15
Chinups 5x5
DB lateral raises x 100 reps
lying leg raises x 100 reps
Notes :
Day 36. Jacked my back last night at BJJ. Been on heat and anti-inflammatory/muscle relaxants since last night with little progress. Left ribs are bruised as well.