Dear Aussie brothers and sisters...lately, it has come to our attention that some sources are breaking the rules and selling recreational drugs on the forums, which is a bannable offense. Please see:
....please understand, we believe in free speech and personal choice, as we clearly state here... ...however, some rules are in place here....this is NOT a forum for recreational drugs, it's a bodybuilding forum for steroids, sarms, peptides, supplements, and fitness/health long as your products fit into our topics, you have no issues...
....please don't make this hard on us brothers....if you are selling recs, please stop and concentrate on bodybuilding ....or we cannot have you here...
.....there will be a probation period where sources can make changes if they are breaking the rules...notice; after the probation period...we will start outright banning suppliers who keep breaking our rules....
....please understand, we believe in free speech and personal choice, as we clearly state here... ...however, some rules are in place here....this is NOT a forum for recreational drugs, it's a bodybuilding forum for steroids, sarms, peptides, supplements, and fitness/health long as your products fit into our topics, you have no issues...
....please don't make this hard on us brothers....if you are selling recs, please stop and concentrate on bodybuilding ....or we cannot have you here...
.....there will be a probation period where sources can make changes if they are breaking the rules...notice; after the probation period...we will start outright banning suppliers who keep breaking our rules....