Hi Everyone !
I'm Super excited to be here and to one of the lucky ones to be sponsored by @Liquid Gold Labs
I have known the one and only @Pigsy for a few months now and a little while ago we where just in conversation and i mentioned to him that maybe ill try and get sponsored by a lab little did i know that a few weeks down the track i would be here sharing my progress and updates with all of you !
Little bit about me !
I Have been training for roughly 6-7 years and in-between then and now I've had a few knee surgeries and 2 beautiful children aswell, which love coming to the gym with me and watching " mummy get strong"
My Goal is to Obviously compete in 2026 but what show will be up to my coach and what he decides would be best for us ! ( and to grow my quads more lol )
Im Currently in a building phase sitting on 3240 cals 510 carbs 150 protein and 60 fats @67.8kg and the products I'm currently on from @Liquid Gold Labs are 2.5mg Anavar 2 iu Growth and im also taking 1ml of Kaizen *IM ( With pre workout meal )
Training split is as follows
Monday Glutes and hams
Tuesday Back shoulders and Bis
Wednesday Quads and Calves
Thursday Rest
Friday Shoulders Back and Tris
Saturday Full Leg day
Sunday Rest
Reason i do my back and shoulder days together are because i like to target them basically twice a week if that makes sense - although having 1 day more shoulders / back than the other day and vice verser !
i will drop below some before and afters ( current condition ) below and i cant wait to keep you all updated and to have you follow my journey !!
I'm Super excited to be here and to one of the lucky ones to be sponsored by @Liquid Gold Labs
I have known the one and only @Pigsy for a few months now and a little while ago we where just in conversation and i mentioned to him that maybe ill try and get sponsored by a lab little did i know that a few weeks down the track i would be here sharing my progress and updates with all of you !
Little bit about me !
I Have been training for roughly 6-7 years and in-between then and now I've had a few knee surgeries and 2 beautiful children aswell, which love coming to the gym with me and watching " mummy get strong"
My Goal is to Obviously compete in 2026 but what show will be up to my coach and what he decides would be best for us ! ( and to grow my quads more lol )
Im Currently in a building phase sitting on 3240 cals 510 carbs 150 protein and 60 fats @67.8kg and the products I'm currently on from @Liquid Gold Labs are 2.5mg Anavar 2 iu Growth and im also taking 1ml of Kaizen *IM ( With pre workout meal )
Training split is as follows
Monday Glutes and hams
Tuesday Back shoulders and Bis
Wednesday Quads and Calves
Thursday Rest
Friday Shoulders Back and Tris
Saturday Full Leg day
Sunday Rest
Reason i do my back and shoulder days together are because i like to target them basically twice a week if that makes sense - although having 1 day more shoulders / back than the other day and vice verser !
i will drop below some before and afters ( current condition ) below and i cant wait to keep you all updated and to have you follow my journey !!